Why is the "Other Workflow Events" option missing in the new UI but present in the Legacy 2.0 builder?

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When using the new UI, if I go to make a trigger that is a different workflow’s error events, there is no option for “Other Workflow Events”. However when I use the Legacy 2.0 builder I still see it.

Yes, we haven’t ported that specific trigger option to the 3.0 builder. It’s on the backlog though!

Posted thread to Discourse: Why is the "Other Workflow Events" option missing in the new UI but available in the Legacy 2.0 builder?

Do all users have access to the legacy builder? One of my teammates doesn’t have it. Is there a workaround?

Are they able to find the settings in Sign Up - Pipedream?

They have the settings page, but there is no"Use Legacy 2.0 Builder" toggle

Got it, they probably created the account recently? Since it’s legacy, new users don’t have access to the v2 builder

ok, so no workaround? He’s trying to use the “Other Workflow Events” trigger but is unable to access it.

Ah yes, we are working on a new feature: $.flow.trigger(workflowId, event)
Have you tried using this yet? Should be a lot easier than before

Check out the Canvas in the alpha-features channel!

Oh, that’s cool!