Why is the omnivore_get_article function not working despite successful configuration with Omnivore via API Key?

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omnivore_get_article doesn’t work

I have successfully configured my account connected by API KEY with Omnivore

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Unexpected server error: {"response":{"errors":[{"message":"Unexpected server error"}],"data":null,"status":200,"headers":{}},"request":{"query":"\n query listUsers {\n users {\n ... on UsersSuccess {\n users {\n id\n name\n isFullUser\n viewerIsFollowing\n picture\n profile {\n id\n username\n private\n bio\n pictureUrl\n }\n sharedArticlesCount\n sharedHighlightsCount\n sharedNotesCount\n friendsCount\n followersCount\n }\n }\n ... on UsersError {\n errorCodes\n }\n }\n }\n","variables":{}}}

Thank you for raising this issue. I can reproduce this issue. I’ll work with the component dev to investigate