Why Has the Google Drive Trigger Stopped Monitoring New Files in the Workflow?

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We have a workflow that uses a Google Drive trigger monitoring a folder for newly added files. As of 7:37pm MST this evening, it has stopped. Several new files have been added since, but no events have been emitted by the Source

I too wish that Google would more reliably emit events…

These issues are very frustrating. :disappointed:

Try re-creating the source perhaps?

I’ve enabled PD access to the WF if needed: 404: Not Found - Pipedream

It’s worked fine up until tonight. If I need to constantly remove / recreate the Source, that won’t work for production.

Best way to get PD support is probably to create a support ticket.

I’ll do that as well

Yep, I see it in our support tickets, thanks!

Much appreciated. This one is a blocker and our folder is filling up with unprocessed files, so anything to expedite would be :pray: greatly appreciated!

I see a potential issue, not entirely confident. Will push a change to the source code

[Google Drive] Generate a new channelID when renewing subscription — PR — published!

Could you please create a new trigger in your workflow since triggers cannot be updated like actions

Yes. 1 moment.


Awesome thanks. The new trigger should renew the subscription with a new channel ID from now on. Previously, it was using the same channel ID and that may caused some conflicts

ok I am watching the source…still idle.

Can you try uploading a new file

I did. I just uploaded 2.

Oh sorry, the old trigger should be in a dead state
