Why does Drag-and-Drop Move Workflows to Incorrect Folder in Project with GitHub Integration?

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Weird bug when moving workflows via drag-n-drop in a project with GitHub integration:
• When moving from the root / to /folder1, it works. :+1:
• But when moving from /folder1 to /folder1/folder2, instead it sends it into /folder1/folder1/folder2. :man-facepalming:

And this issue also has to do with the other bug that no matter which folder we create a workflow in (which folder we’re in when we click “New Workflow”), it always creates the workflow in the project root.

Otherwise, we wouldn’t need to move the workflows in the first place. :man-shrugging:

Hi , I’m trying to reproduce your issue. Will get back to you soon

Hi , I can reproduce your issue, I’ve created a bug ticket here to track it: [BUG] workflow is incorrectly moved when drag-and-drop workflow into nested folder · Issue #8150 · PipedreamHQ/pipedream · GitHub

I’ve also added it to Pipedream backlog, Pipedream team will take a look at it soon

Thank you! :pray:

, I’ve also created another bug on the workflow creation in a folder: [BUG] Workflow is always created in the project root even when the user is in a folder · Issue #8151 · PipedreamHQ/pipedream · GitHub

I’ve also added it to Pipedream backlog

These should both be fixed! Leo, can you help validate?

I’ve confirmed that those 2 bugs are fixed!