Why Did My Notion Trigger Stop Working in the Workflow and How Can I Fix It?

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I have a Workflow with a Notion Trigger (updates page in database), which is listening to several properties. That worked fine, but stopped working today, the trigger get not fired anymore. I deleted and readded the trigger, but it still doesn’t work, what can I try?

Hi , could you access your Sources page, access the Notion Source > Log, then share us the screenshot? This is crucial for us to debug/reproduce your issue

Sure, here you are

Thanks Richie. The log seems normal. Could you share your source url here if possible for me to check further?

Sure, here you are: Sign Up - Pipedream

Thanks , we’ll take a look and get back to you soon

H , I have now more of these trigger which don’t fire anymore

Got it .

Hi @U05FUC30Q01, could you take a look at this too?

I can clarify.

In this workflow:

I dis- and enabled the trigger today. I changed the value of “Summary de” and the trigger does not fire. Later I changed the value of “Advertisment” and the trigger fires.

I also dis- and enabled the youtube updater and it looks like it works now here.

I still have trouble with these triggers and my automations - do you have any hint for me, what I can do to fix it?

Hey , sorry for the delay for looking into this

Everything looks normal in the trigger

I think maybe the issue is related to the timer of 15 minutes?

Try reducing the interval and see if the property changes start being fetched earlier

From the logs section it is running every 15 minutes

Hi thank you for your reply. I just tried it with the youtuber updater:

I set the interval to 5 minutes. changed the field “Advertisement de” and waited…nothing happens.
When I look at the log of both I just see events running on 2025-02-18 - not today ?!

It looks like the trigger did not run yet, could you do me a favor and deactivate it and then reactivate it?

If you want to RUN NOW before deactivating to see if the changes are emitted

ok. I tried “run now” - nothing happens.
After de- and reactivating I tried run now again and it finds changes
I will check if the interval also works.
thank you!

ok. I tried “run now” - nothing happens.
Interesting, thanks for letting me know I’ll keep it in mind and see if there is anything unexpected