Why Can't We Reset Our Deploys due to ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid Error?

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Hi! We are having issues with our deploys and can’t seem to reset.

Error: ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid
Could not deploy OB_PD_058- Populate Design Proof Link Property.
Validation failed: Deployments is invalid

Sounds like you might have a workflow that’s missing a required property.

Any workflow you’ve added or edited recently is likely the culprit.

I’m assuming it has something to do with this workflow, but I can’t figure out what it is. I had added a step that reads a Pipedream Data Store and tried deleting that but I still can’t deploy. Please look this over to see if I’m missing something?

I don’t work for Pipedream so I can’t take a look.

Your best bet is probably to open a support ticket via the UI.

Oh, sorry didn’t see that. Yeah I opened one a bit earlier today

I think I solved it. Somehow one of my workflows was duplicated with the same id and everything. It was deploying to my github code but not in the pipedream ui. I deleted the extra instance of the workflow and now I’m able to deploy again. :woman-shrugging:

Ahh yeah that makes sense.

Pipedream was probably trying to deploy both workflows to the same place and crashing as a result.