Why Can't v1 Workflows be Moved to Projects and Why is it Not Producing Errors?

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Context: Moving Workflow → Project doesn’t work for some workflows.

I’m not sure if this is a bug or a feature request, but here it is.
• Noticed that v1 Workflows are not able to be moved to Projects.
◦ Assuming this is part by design, and encourages users to upgrade their workflow
2 issues to bring up:
• If this was part of the design, there was no warning, or error produced, it simply just didn’t move them, so I’m imaging you’d want some user messaging
• If this wasn’t part of the design, then it’s a bug when moving v1 workflows over. Simply does nothing.
Here’s an example:
Moving: p_KwCWZv7 workflow to project: proj_yes6qv that doesn’t get moved.

Yeah sorry bout the non error messaging - it definitely gets confusing

But you’re right, v1 workflows can’t be migrated to Projects yet

I’d suggest re-creating the workflow… Would that be a huge issue?

it shouldn’t be a big issue, I just noticed the UX and wanted to report it.

Cool, thank you for reporting!