Why Can't I See the Execution Log Despite Having a Workflow Timeout and Throwing an Exception?

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Why do I have a workflow timeout, throw an exception, but I can’t see the execution log

Why do I have a workflow timeout, throw an exception, but I can’t see the execution log

Workflows in Pipedream have a default execution limit that varies depending on the trigger type. If your workflow exceeds this limit, Pipedream will throw a Timeout error and stop your workflow. This is likely the reason why your workflow timed out and threw an exception. However, any partial logs and observability associated with code cells that ran successfully before the timeout will be attached to the event in the UI. This means you should be able to examine the state of your workflow and troubleshoot where it may have failed up to the point of the timeout. If you’re unable to see the execution log, it might be due to the workflow not having completed any steps successfully before the timeout occurred, or there may be an issue with the UI displaying these logs. To address the timeout issue, you can: 1. Investigate why your code is running longer than expected. This often involves requests to third-party APIs that do not respond in the expected time, or processing a large amount of data that cannot complete before hitting the execution limit. 2. Increase the execution limit of your workflow in your workflow’s settings, if it’s expected that your code will take a long time to run. The maximum time per execution varies by plan, with free tiers allowing up to 300 seconds (5 minutes) and paid tiers up to 750 seconds (12.5 minutes). If you continue to experience issues or cannot access the execution logs for further troubleshooting, please visit Pipedream Support for more assistance.