Why am I getting this error while creating a source?

Hi people.
I am new to pipedream and I have a few questions. Hope you can help.
Why am I getting this error while creating a source?

The channel I am trying to connect is legit:

Hi @slishnevsky , I looked into the issue and will work to deprecate the New Videos by Username component, as YouTube usernames are legacy concept, and they’ve moved towards utilizing handles instead. Please follow along the ticket here: [FEATURE] YouTube (Data API) - replace forUsername with forHandle · Issue #10338 · PipedreamHQ/pipedream · GitHub

If you’d like to work around this in the interim, you can use the New Videos by Channel trigger, and provide the channel id instead. In your example, the channel ID would be UCw115y6cPAlGxq84rt64PHQ .

Thank you, @michael !!