Why am I Getting an AxiosError with Code 400 and a Message Indicating "Requires pages_read_engagement Permission" When Trying to Post to a Facebook Page?

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Hey I have a problem when trying to post to a FB page:
AxiosError - Request failed with status code 400
{“error”:{“message”:“(#283) Requires pages_read_engagement permission to manage the object”,“type”:“OAuthException”,“code”:283,“fbtrace_id”:“AjdzFI6NtanDCc07HJnL7Fm”}}

And im connected and tried connecting again but it didnt help.

I’m not connected to Pipedream in anyway, but it sounds like that’s an API permission problem from the Facebook side.

Looks more like an OAuth scope missing in PD’s app for Facebook

Yes thats what i thought, cause its a brand new page and it works with pabbly…

Hey, can you help?

fyi facebook scopes missing

heads ups facebook takes a lot of time to validate anytime a new scopes is added to an app. i understand demo videos showing the use case for the new scopes are needed to be sent and ultimately this isn’t quick

Hey , we’re currently going back and forth with Facebook with regard to scopes approval. Unfortunately it’s been a really lengthy process, and made even more difficult by the fact that Facebook has disabled the creation of Test Users which, incidentally are required for app submissions - so we’re in a holding pattern with development at the moment for the integration.

Thanks , @U052C338AQK