Why am I getting a TypeError in my workflow when pulling data from Snowflake and how to fix it?

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I started getting this error on a workflow today when pulling data from Snowflake. Anyone have any ideas? Seems to have started at ~7a CST today.

this.determineConnectionDomain is not a function

    at null.Connection.connect (/pipedream/dist/code/4206a01bc15d120d97e1f8da4884716b65f7779c826526554ca1061e224e68eb/node_modules/.pnpm/snowflake-sdk@1.12.0_asn1.js@5.4.1/node_modules/snowflake-sdk/lib/connection/connection.js:197:35)
    at null.null (node:internal/util:430:7)
    at null.Promise (null:null:null)
    at null.null (node:internal/util:416:12)
    at Object.run (file:///pipedream/dist/code/4206a01bc15d120d97e1f8da4884716b65f7779c826526554ca1061e224e68eb/component.mjs:29:11)
    at null.executeComponent (/var/task/launch_worker.js:292:53)
    at MessagePort.messageHandler (/var/task/launch_worker.js:792:28)

Hi , would you mind sharing the screenshot of Snowflake action configurqtion you’re using?

import { promisify } from 'util'
import snowflake from 'snowflake-sdk'

function extract_id(url) {
  // Split the URL by '/'
  const parts = url.split('/');

  //return parts

  // The ID is the last part of the URL
  const id = parts[4];

  return id

export default defineComponent({
  props: {
    snowflake: {
      type: "app",
      app: "snowflake",
  async run({steps, $}) {
    const connection = snowflake.createConnection({
      application: "PIPEDREAM_PIPEDREAM",
    const connectAsync = promisify(connection.connect)
    await connectAsync()
    async function connExecuteAsync(options) {
      return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
          complete: function(err, stmt, rows) {
            if (err) {
            } else {
              resolve({stmt, rows})

    // Example usage
    const url = steps.Grab_Order_Data.$return_value.data.order.id;
    const numeric_id = extract_id(url);

    //return numeric_id
    // See https://docs.snowflake.com/en/user-guide/nodejs-driver-use.html#executing-statements
    const { rows } = await connExecuteAsync({
      sqlText: `
      select *
      where order_id in 
      (select distinct id
      where external_order_id_ecommerce = '${numeric_id}')
    return rows

No changes have been made to this workflow in some time, just started seeing these errors this AM

LMK if you need anymore deets, happy to provide and thanks in advance for your support.

Hi , I suspect the reason is the recent version 1.12.0 from snowflake-sdk library. Maybe you want to pin the version to 1.11.0 import snowflake from 'snowflake-sdk@1.11.0'

That did the trick!! Thanks so much !!!

I’m having the same issue. How can I specify the issue with

const snowflake = require('snowflake-sdk');

This was fixed in 1.15 BTW, can you roll that out?


I could still reproduce the issue with the 1.15.0 version. Are there specific changes you require in this latest version?

We also provide a helper package @pipedream/snowflake based on our registry components:

import snowflake from '@pipedream/snowflake';

export default defineComponent({
  props: {
  async run({ $ }) {
    // Component source code:
    // https://github.com/PipedreamHQ/pipedream/tree/master/components/snowflake
    return this.snowflake.executeQuery({
      binds: [],