What Schema Should Be Used for Creating Actions in "3.1.0" of ChatGPT Agent for Pipedream?

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Does anyone have examples of the schema to use when creation actions in “3.1.0” of chatGPT agent when it creates an action for pipedream?

Hey , would you mind elaborating your needs? What OpenAI action you’re using on Pipedream, and what is your need?

Thanks for the reply.

I am using Actions in GPT as described here https://platform.openai.com/docs/actions/introduction

I want to use my GPTs to create my concept and then I want to say “Send my notes to Piepdream”. This will then take my notes and run a pipedream http trigger.

Now I have the trigger from the action going to Pipedream with the following
See snipper above ()

However Pipedream is not picking up the data correctly. I seems to make send to create an “Action” Trigger for OpenAI so we can integrate with Pipedream in a simpler way.
Right now I would settle for an example of the schema and what to do at the Pipedream side so i can get unblocked.

btw… Loving Pipedream is has been solid and so perfect for my projects

However Pipedream is not picking up the data correctly
Could you elaborate this part?

I get the action running and it asked me to confirm that I am talking to Pipedream and gets to “Stopped talking to” state…
but it appears that nothing is being received at pipedream. No event is being created in the event history.

Hence I think my GPT action scheme must be incorrect in some way.
If I could use “import” and Pipedream could create it for me… it would really help me… and i hope others.

Pipedream source doesn’t have any particular schema required. You can send any data to that HTTP endpoint (example in my images below)

I would strongly suggest you break down the problem into steps and debug each:
• After you created a Pipedream source, you can manually send HTTP request to that source to make sure that your Pipedream HTTP source work correctly
• Then on OpenAI action, please find the steps to debug their actions (such as the HTTP log, etc…) to see how they’re calling Pipedream
IMO, this is maybe from OpenAI side, since I just tried and my Pipedream HTTP source works correctly

Ok… Thank you… I will take a look…

This really helped. It is not Pipedream… Seems to be the call from OpenAI hmmmm will look there

and. “And may the Wi-Fi be strong wherever you go”

Looping back around on this. : the blockage was with OpenAI the action now works. Must have been a bug in OpenAI