What is the Most Efficient Way to Manage 800 API Calls with time Limit Set to 100 Requests Per Minute in Pipedream without Overusing Credits?

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Hey, I’ve got an extraction workflow that’s iterating over ~800 items which require two subsequent calls to the vendors API to pull out the relevant information. I have a 100 requests per minute (yikes) and need to find the best way to execute those 100 requests, wait a minute, then exectue then next 100 and so on. I had a look at the delay function, but that occurs at the end of the workflow step and currently got a loop working through the 800 items. If I use SetTimeout it’s going to bill my credits for the time spent waiting. I’m fast falling down a rabbit hole of odd solutions like; getting to the end of the workflow and re-calling the workflow with a page/offset value to paginate (this didn’t seem to work). Or can I get workflow steps to jump back and repeat within the workflow which would then allow the delay function to work. I’m wondering if anyone has experience with implementing this in Pipedream and what the right approach is that balances scalability and credit usage.

You could use $.flow.rerun (assuming that all of your operations are in one single code step)

And keep your list of items in the context.

Warning: 1% of the time, $.flow.rerun doesn’t actually rerun (the workflow remains frozen).

I think they’re working on a fix, but idk when that will be delivered.

Another approach could be to have a dispatcher workflow which calls another workflow with “minute-sized” batches to process (so ~50 items?).

Then that other workflow could be configured like this:

So only one of the dispatched workflows would run at a time, and it would only run once per minute (plus some hardcoded buffer time).

this is extremely helpful. I think the fastest way through is likely to be using the $.flow.rerun and pushing to the data store the state at the end of each batch.

This said, I really want to look into the dispatcher worker approach. It sounds more readable from the Pipedream UI for the next person who finds this.

Thank you! This is awesome, I really appreciate it :slightly_smiling_face: