What is the Most Affordable and User-Friendly Database to Use with Pipedream?

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Quick question: What is the cheapest and easiest database to work with with Pipedream. I was using google sheets but it is a bit clunky. Any ideas. Needs to be simple and cheap like airtable.com etc

I recommend taking a look at Notion. The UI is so good and simple while using our built-in actions work so well with databases.

The only thing that is missing is webhooks if you need triggers

Supabase has a free plan for 500mb of storage, and it works out of the box with the Pipedream Postgres app:

I’m also using Notion. Works very robust over the last months, but as I miss webhooks for triggers.

Pierce, can you execute SQL on your Supabase db via API?

Yup, you can use REST or SQL directly to interact with Supabase: REST API | Supabase Docs

All really useful… Thank you… Will do some research based on this

What about bigquery compared to Supabase?

I would think that bigquery is more designed for larger datasets, so you sacrifice speed of queries at the cost of lower storage costs

Thanks for sharing !