What is the Current Cost of Adding a New Member in the Advanced Plan of Pipedream?

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We have Advanced Plan of Pipedream, earlier the default members were 5, and adding new member costs around 49$, can you tell me what is the current pricing for adding new member in Advanced account.

You should visit Pricing - Pipedream for the latest pricing, but I’ll do my best to answer. Based on the provided documentation, the Advanced Plan has been updated, and the standard pricing is currently $149 / month for 50,000 credits, with an additional cost of $0.0004 per extra credit. However, the documentation does not specify the current cost for adding new members to the Advanced Plan. Since pricing details, especially for adding new members, can change, I recommend reaching out directly to support@pipedream.com or visiting the Pipedream pricing page for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

Hi , sorry could you visit Pricing - Pipedream for the latest updates