What Could Be Preventing This Workflow from Terminating?

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Please what could cause this workflow not to terminate as it shows here

The workflow goes ahead to run instead of terminating…


Did you **return** $.flow.exit()?

No, but is this required? Is this a new thing?

It is required. And it’s not new.

Oh wow

Aii… Thanks

: I don’t think this is documented anywhere, is it? :point_up_2:

The only “documentation” I could find is this thread.

should be documented here: Running Node.js in workflows - Pipedream

and note that it’s technically not required but return is likely what you want. If you don’t use return, $.flow.exit will end the workflow at the end of the current step. That’s noted in that section

~That doesn’t seem to be the case though.~

~Without return, $.flow.exit seems ineffective.~ :thinking_face:

Nope, nvm, it works either way. :+1:

It does work without return…

Which is why the scenario I initially shared is not understood

yes, that is by design as we’ve implemented it, but if you want to exit at the point at which you call $.flow.exit, use return $.flow.exit()

Ohh… I see the distinction now

right, return is at this specific point, no return exits at the end of the step