Trying to scrape a page with puppeteer

Trying to grab some info from an Amazon order page using puppeteer, but pipedream won’t run it.
I need to scrape a page using cookies.
Is there an alternative?

Hi @dzg,

Welcome to the Pipedream Community, happy to have you!

Unfortunately Puppeeter bundles a full Chrome browser within the NPM package, and for this reason it’s not compatible at this time with our Node.js workflow environments.

However, we do offer a Healess Testing integration:

That way you can still leverage workflows to scrape fully rendered webpages without installing Chrome via the puppeteer package.

I actually found which gives 6 free hours which is plenty for my need.

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Very cool, thanks for sharing @dzg . Sounds like we might have to build an integration for this.

@dzg - turns out we do offer a Browserless integration:

Here’s a thread for more information. But long story short we do support Browerless officially.

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Oh, fantastic!