Send_message to Discord not working

Hello! I’m facing this error for a few days now.

Error shows : Error connect ECONNREFUSED
Message: connect ECONNREFUSED
Total Duration: 3,419 ms
Compute Time: 3,109 ms
Execution Start: 2022-09-18T10:56:59.045Z
Execution End: 2022-09-18T10:57:02.464Z
Steps Executed: 1 / 1
Invocations: 1
Version: 14 (d_lBs66JeL)

Using “Send Message with Discord Webhook API on Message Updates (Instant) from Telegram Bot API”

Hi @zqa9

A patch to this component was released recently that should have addressed this bug. Can you please try deleting this source and creating a new Discord Webhook source? It should include the new patch.