Ridiculous how you treat legacy customers and early adopters

Came here to just say that it is ridiculous how you are treating legacy customers who were early adopters of your platform. Because we saw the promise of your platform and built on it, which helped you enormously get to the point where you are today, you reward us by raising our prices 10X? We can’t use our premium apps anymore that we have been using for years? All our credits disappear? This is just plain wrong and a terrible way to treat your early customers. Also, the new pricing is absurd because competitors offer more for lower prices, so it’s not clear who are actually catering to anymore. Overall, very disappointing. Sounds like you are taking dumb advice from your VC investors and are chasing short-term revenue instead of building trust with customers, which is now totally lost. And of course, I have no problem with you raising prices, but 10X? Ridiculous. Every Saas raised prices, but have yet to see anyone do a 10X on early adopters.

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