Post how many credits left for the day?

If I have a workflow that posts a message to discord, is there a way for me to also add the number of execution credits I have left in the day?

Hi @d33rs34s0n,

is there a way for me to also add the number of execution credits I have left in the day?

You can pay to get additional credit daily. Please refer to the Pipedream Pricing page for more detail

Hi, you misunderstood my question. I simply want to add an indicator in my workflow of how many credits I have left for the day. For example, in the footer of my discord message, it could say:

“Remaining daily credits: 15”


Currently there’s no API to do that, if you want, you can create a ticket here to request for it

Hi @d33rs34s0n,

Sorry for the above answer, you can get your Daily Credit Usage - Remaining in your User Info API on the fields daily_credits_quota - daily_credits_used.

Awesome, that’s what I’m looking for!