New Reaction Added (Instant) from Slack producing duplicate events

I seem to be unable to use the ‘New Reaction Added (Instant) from Slack’ trigger/source without producing multiple events.

Other Slack triggers are OK … but this one always produces two events for a single emoji reaction added.

Hi @wibbly,

I tried to reproduce your issue, though I only see one event emitted whenever there’s a new reaction added.

In order for me to reproduce your issue, would you mind sharing more detail on your Slack source?

Here’s a screenshot of the Source/Trigger in the top of the workflow:

As you can see … I just used the :squirrel: emoji as a reaction … which created two events (down the bottom).

Oops I still couldn’t reproduce your issue as the image below

Are you adding the emoji manually on Slack UI, or do you have a workflow that automatically add the emoji?

I am manually adding the emoji, with the intent of triggering the workflow.

But … when I add the emoji as a reaction, I am receiving two events every time. I can’t see any difference between those events.