Issue with Pipedream using the newest published version of an npm package

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Nacho Caballero : I’ve noticed that it takes 30+ minutes for pipedream to install an updated version of a scoped NPM package (maybe all packages, but I can only easily test my own package @nachocab/pipedream-global). Is this the expected behavior?

I’ve been testing by adding this line to my source config/step: console.log(require('root-require')('package.json').dependencies['@nachocab/pipedream-global'])

Dylan Sather (Pipedream) : Yes, I believe this is related to how we cache packages at certain parts of the deploy process.

Nacho Caballero : Any way I can circumvent it? :sweat_smile:

Dylan Sather (Pipedream) : Will get back to you first thing tomorrow PT

TJ Koblentz : is it pre-publish-class-email ?

TJ Koblentz : can you try require("@nachocab/pipedream-global@<replace-with-version>")

TJ Koblentz : hitting the sack but can help in the morning — sorry about the issues!

Nacho Caballero : Thanks, TJ. I tried that but it gave me an error. Also tried “latest”

Dylan Sather (Pipedream) : which version of your package did you try requireing?

Nacho Caballero : I tried require("@nachocab/pipedream-global@1.1.6") but I’ve since bumped it up to the 2.0.3. As a workaround, I ended up manually pasting the code in the source configuration and doing the changes there.

TJ Koblentz : and its not working?

TJ Koblentz : what pipedream page are you doing this on

Nacho Caballero : Hi, TJ. I just created a source to test this: Connect APIs, Remarkably Fast - Pipedream

Nacho Caballero : I was at 2.0.3 and bumped it to 2.0.4. I hit the endpoint ( and got back 2.0.3

Nacho Caballero : I also tried following your recommendation require('@nachocab/pipedream-global@2.1.4'); and got an error when I tried to update the code

TJ Koblentz : ok i’ll test this and get back to you in a bit — sorry

Nacho Caballero : Doing require('@nachocab/pipedream-global@latest') doesn’t give an error, but the version output is undefined

TJ Koblentz : 2.1.4 doesn’t exist right?

TJ Koblentz : looking into why @latest doesn’t work

Nacho Caballero : It does exist