Is There a Router Step in Pipedream?

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Hey Is there a router step in pipedream?

Yes, Pipedream workflows support a router step, which allows you to route data to different paths within your workflow. The router acts as a control structure to direct the flow of execution based on conditions you define. You can add a router step by clicking the “+” button in the workflow builder and selecting the “Router” option. For more information on how to use routers and control the flow of your workflows, you can visit the Pipedream documentation on flow control: Flow Control / Conditional Logic.

i cant find any step named “router”, if you mean “filter” than its not what i need.

Based on your message, it seems you’re looking for a feature or step in Pipedream workflows that acts as a “router” but found something called “filter” instead. The “filter” step in Pipedream allows you to specify a condition that your workflow must meet to decide whether to proceed or end workflow execution. If the “filter” step is not what you need and you are looking for a way to route data to different paths within your workflow, you might be looking for a way to control the flow of your workflow based on certain conditions or logic. Pipedream does not have a step named “router,” but you can implement routing logic using code steps or conditional actions. If you can provide more details about what you’re trying to achieve, I can help you with more specific guidance or code examples. If you need further assistance, you can also visit Pipedream Support for more help.

Hi , are you looking for a router for different HTTP paths in the URL?

If so, you can add a custom code step right after the trigger that routes depending of the path in the HTTP request

Just so I understand better, what the use case?

No, I think he is looking for “if branching” (it is called a router in make)

Pipedream does not support if branching yet. So won’t find any router component yet.

Gotcha, thanks. Branching is a WIP right now!