Is it True that Airtable Accounts are Now Only Connected via OAuth, with API Keys Being Depreciated?

Thank you for sharing this! Unfortunately I already switched all my workflows to use Airtable (OAuth) steps. Looks like it’s no longer possible to create a new step that uses the original Airtable connection.

My issue with the new Airtable (OAuth) steps is that the performance is significantly worse than the original Airtable steps — I am getting a lot of rate limit errors. My understanding is that the old version used the Airtable SDK which has built-in retries for rate limit errors. [As far as I know, there’s no reason why the new version couldn’t be rewritten to use the SDK — I really hope someone at Pipedream will look into this because I think it would help a lot with performance!]

My issue right now is that I have a bunch of v1 workflows that can’t be set to auto-retry on the workflow level, and I am sick of having to manually rerun due to rate limit errors, but also don’t have the capacity right now to switch everything over to v2. Even if I could, I have some time-sensitive workflows that would really benefit from getting retried after 30 seconds (to recover from an Airtable-imposed rate-limit delay) instead of 5 minutes (the default wait time for the workflow-level auto-retry that is available for v2 workflows).

Posted thread to Discourse:

, we’ve update the Airtable (OAuth) integration to use the SDK for better performance. Let us know how that goes!

Awesome, will do!