Is it possible to have an event listener on when a Pipedream workflow has been updated/deployed?

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Nghia Nguyen : Quick question: is it possible to have an event listener on when a Pipedream workflow has been updated/deployed? Or is that still in the product roadmap?

Dylan Sather (Pipedream) : I don’t actually believe we have a ticket tracking that. Great use case. Would you mind opening a new issue in GitHub with some more details on what you’d like to see?

Nghia Nguyen : Sure. It’d be geared around the Teams concept. Need traceability into code revisioning, in the same vein as a git flow.

Nghia Nguyen : for when I have a bunch of colleagues operating off shared workflows.

Dylan Sather (Pipedream) : makes a lot of sense. Would you like to see an audit log of deploy history (and other changes) within some Pipedream UI, or would you like to consume this as a service (like AWS Cloudtrail, for example)?

Nghia Nguyen : Hahah, well, if you’re gonna ask a user, I think you should expect the answer to be why not both? :smile: but I guess whatever’s easiest and most robust to implement first.

Nghia Nguyen : An audit log of deploy history even consumed via a webhook event would be great.

Nghia Nguyen : But I can tell you that, given the usefulness of this platform, I wouldn’t be surprised if some company decided to implement it as part of its own platform, and the amount of workflow deployment change logs might be high.

Dylan Sather (Pipedream) : For sure. I’m partial to something programmatic like you describe. Lots to think about here!