Is Golang Function Development Hindered by Go.mod File Control Issues?

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I’m curious if anyone is developing functions in golang? The inability to control a go.mod file makes me feel like this was kind of a half-implemented then abandoned piece of functionality? If it’s pretty much unsupported it would be cool to know before I invest too much time into debugging this dependency mess.

Hi Michael,

Go Lang is currently in Beta and I wouldn’t expect much more support in the near future unfortunately. Just to level with you, Node.js and Python are much more popular, and we need to still bring Python to feature parity with Node.js.

I just don’t want you to invest too much time into it and discover issues that we won’t be able to support you with.

Totally reasonable. As it is I started forking all the packages I needed to get dependencies right, then decided to just put it on Lambda.

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