How to Troubleshoot Workflow Errors with 'Default Timeout Exceeded' Message and Zero Total Duration When No Steps Have Been Executed?

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I get a lot of errors like this on a workflow…default timeout exceeded, but Total Duration is 0 and no steps have been executed. Typically when I re-run these, they work fine. Can someone suggest how to troubleshoot this? I can’t figure out a pattern. It’s also typically not the first workflow called in a while that encounters issue (so not a cold start issue).

What is the timeout configuration in your workflow settings?

Also, may I ask what does your workflow do, i.e. does it call an external API?

This workflow is triggered by submission of a Jotform form (manual webhook). The timeout is set to 108s, memory to 256 MB. The workflow just has some python code which will eventually make a call to an external API (Salesforce), however I have reason to believe that this type of error (an example) does not make it to the actual API call, given that I have no record of a request on the Salesforce side. I would have also expected a non-zero Total Duration. I guess I could also add some logging statements to see if there were portions of the Python code that were executed.

There are also no other errors or other logs for the Python step

The other executions seem fairly quick. Do all successful cases make to the Salesforce API request?


Hmm I would highly suspect the error could be related to the Salesforce API request. Timeouts can happen when there is some kind of failure when connecting to the API endpoint

And given the nature of intermittent errors and that you don’t see it updated in Salesforce

Okay, I’ll try to add some logging statements. And maybe I’ll set a manual timeout in my request.

Yes, that’d be perfect to help troubleshoot

Thanks for looking into this!

Np, happy to help!