How to Trigger Workflow for New Direct Messages to Slack Bot App Without Errors?

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Hi, I want to trigger workflow whenever there is new direct message to the slack bot app .I have connected my slack bot account for slackbot trigger(new message instant ) …all the required scopes are also added by me but still i keep getting the following error

Hi , may I ask what is the scopes you have added?

These are scopes added:

Thanks, let me try to reproduce your issue

sure , thankyou.

Hi , I can reproduce your issue! Thanks for raising this. I have created a ticket here and added it to Pipedream backlog

can you give me updates on this ?

Posted thread to Discourse: How to Fix Error in Triggering Workflow for New Direct Messages in Slack Bot App?

can you tell what scopes should be added to get trigger for slack bot(direct message)

To set up a trigger for new direct messages in your Slack bot, you can follow these steps: 1. Search for the Slack app from the trigger menu 2. Select the “New Direct Message (Instant)” trigger 3. Connect your Slack account 4. Follow the instructions on the trigger configuration screen. You may need to generate a test event from Slack to get real data to test your workflow. Make sure you have the required scopes added to your Slack bot. If you’re still facing issues, please provide more information about the error you’re encountering, and I’ll do my best to help you resolve it.

i am getting error An API error occurred: missing_scope

It seems like you’re encountering a “missing_scope” error, which usually indicates that your Slack bot is missing the necessary permissions to perform the requested action. To resolve this issue, please double-check the scopes you’ve added to your Slack bot and make sure they match the required scopes for the action you’re trying to perform. If you’re still facing issues, please provide more information about the specific action you’re trying to perform in your workflow, and I’ll do my best to help you resolve it.

what scopes should be added

To trigger a workflow for new direct messages in your Slack bot, you should ensure you have the following scopes added: - im:history - im:read - im:write These scopes allow your Slack bot to read and write direct messages, which is necessary for triggering a workflow when a new direct message is received. If you’re still facing issues after adding these scopes, please let me know and I’ll help you troubleshoot further.

i have added these scopes already

I apologize for the confusion. Since you’ve already added the necessary scopes and are still encountering the “missing_scope” error, there might be an issue with the Slack bot’s configuration or the way it’s set up in Pipedream. To help you further, I’ll need more information about your workflow and the specific action you’re trying to perform. Please provide more details, and I’ll do my best to assist you.

I want to trigger workflow whenever there is new direct message to the slack bot app .I have connected my slack bot account for slackbot trigger(new message instant ) …all the required scopes are also added by me but still i keep getting the following error An API error occurred: missing_scope

I understand you’re encountering a “missing_scope” error when trying to set up the “New Direct Message (Instant)” trigger in your Slack bot. To help you troubleshoot this issue, please follow these steps: 1. Search for the Slack app from the trigger menu in your Pipedream workflow. 2. Select the “New Direct Message (Instant)” trigger. 3. Connect your Slack account. 4. Follow the instructions on the trigger configuration screen. You may need to generate a test event from Slack to get real data to test your workflow. If you’ve already followed these steps and are still encountering the error, please double-check the scopes you’ve added to your Slack bot to ensure they match the required scopes for the action you’re trying to perform. If you’re still facing issues, please provide more information about the specific action you’re trying to perform in your workflow, and I’ll do my best to help you resolve it.

how are yiu giving custom answer in direct messaging?

To send custom responses in direct messages using a Slack bot, you can use the Slack API’s chat.postMessage method. This method allows you to send messages to a specific user or channel, with custom text and formatting. Here’s an example of how you can use this method in a Pipedream workflow: 1. Add a new action step and search for the Slack app. 2. Select the “Send a Message” action. 3. Connect your Slack account. 4. Set the Channel field to the user ID or channel ID where you want to send the message. 5. Set the Text field to the custom message you want to send. You can also use variables and data from previous steps in your workflow to create dynamic, custom messages. If you’re still facing issues or need more guidance, please provide more information about your use case, and I’ll be happy to help.