How to Set Up <|> Integration to Override Only One Element, btc.txt?

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how do I set up integration where I have only one element to override. The element to override is btc.txt

To set up an integration with where you have only one element to override, such as btc.txt, you can follow these general steps using a Pipedream workflow. Since there isn’t a pre-built Pipedream component for API Template IO, you’ll need to use an HTTP request to their API. Here’s how you can do it: 1. Create a new workflow in Pipedream if you haven’t already. 2. Add an HTTP / Webhook trigger if you want to start this workflow on a specific event, or use a Scheduler to run it at predefined intervals. 3. Add a Node.js code step to make an HTTP request to the API Template IO. You’ll need to replace YOUR_API_KEY, TEMPLATE_ID, and the value for btc.txt with your actual API key, the ID of your template, and the value you wish to override, respectively. Here’s an example of how the Node.js code step might look: import { axios } from "@pipedream/platform"; export default defineComponent({ async run({ steps, $ }) { const data = { template_id: "TEMPLATE_ID", // Replace TEMPLATE_ID with your actual template ID output_file_type: "pdf", modifications: [ { name: "btc.txt", text: "Your new text here" // Replace this with the value you want to set for btc.txt } ] }; return await axios($, { method: "POST", url: "", // Use the correct endpoint URL headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", "X-API-KEY": "YOUR_API_KEY" // Replace YOUR_API_KEY with your actual API key }, data }); } }); 4. Test your workflow to ensure it works as expected. You should see the response from the API Template IO in the step’s output. Remember to check the API Template IO documentation for the exact API endpoint and required parameters. Adjust the url, data, and headers in the code example as necessary to match their API specification. This example shows how to override one element (btc.txt) in your template. If you need to override more elements or adjust other parameters, modify the modifications array and

I want to overwrite img not pdf

how do I store formula in the cell of google sheets with add single row action?

To store a formula in a cell of Google Sheets using the “Add Single Row” action in Pipedream, you’ll need to follow the general steps for setting up the action with your Google Sheets account and specifying the target spreadsheet and sheet name as described in the Pipedream documentation. However, when it comes to entering the formula into a cell, you should follow these additional guidelines: 1. In the Google Sheets UI, identify the column where you want to store the formula. Note the column name as it appears in the header row of your sheet. 2. In the Pipedream “Add Single Row” action configuration, locate the field corresponding to the column where you want to store the formula. 3. Enter your formula as a string in the field, but you must prefix the formula with an equals sign (=) for Google Sheets to recognize it as a formula. For example, if you want to enter a SUM formula, you would enter it as =SUM(A1:A10). Here’s a simplified example of how you might configure the action in a Pipedream component: ```
import { axios } from “@pipedream/platform”; export default defineComponent({ props: { google: { type: “app”, app: “google”, }, }, async run({ steps, $ }) { const spreadsheetId = “YOUR_SPREADSHEET_ID”; const range = “Sheet1”; // The name of your sheet const values = [ [ // Assuming you want to enter a formula in the first column “=SUM(A2:A10)”, // Your formula as a string // Add other row values here if necessary ], ]; return await axios($, { method: “POST”, url:${spreadsheetId}/values/${range}:append, params: { valueInputOption: “USER_ENTERED”, insertDataOption: “INSERT_ROWS”, }, headers: { Authorization: Bearer ${$auth.oauth_access_token}, “Content-Type”: “application/json”, }, data: { values, }, }); }, });

how do I upload image to Twitter in custome code step

To upload an image to Twitter in a custom code step on Pipedream, you can follow these steps. This example assumes you have the image you want to upload available within your workflow, either as a file or accessible via a URL. If the image is accessible via a URL, you’ll first need to download it to the /tmp directory in your Pipedream environment before uploading it to Twitter. First, ensure you have the Twitter app connected to your Pipedream account. Then, use the following Node.js code as a guide for your custom code step: import { axios } from "@pipedream/platform"; export default defineComponent({ props: { twitter: { type: "app", app: "twitter", }, }, async run({ steps, $ }) { // Assuming you have the image file saved at /tmp/image.jpg const filePath = "/tmp/image.jpg"; const fileContent = await $fs.readFile(filePath, { encoding: "base64" }); // First, upload the media to Twitter let mediaUploadResponse = await axios($, { method: "POST", url: ``, headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${this.twitter.$auth.oauth_access_token}`, "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", }, data: `media_data=${fileContent}`, }); // Check if the media was uploaded successfully if (mediaUploadResponse.media_id_string) { // Use the media_id_string from the upload response to create a tweet with the image const tweetResponse = await axios($, { method: "POST", url: ``, headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${this.twitter.$auth.oauth_access_token}`, "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", }, data: `status=Your tweet text here&media_ids=${mediaUploadResponse.media_id_string}`, }); return tweetResponse; } else { throw new Error("Failed to upload media to Twitter."); } }, }); This code does the following: 1. Reads the image file from the /tmp directory and encodes it in base64. 2. Uploads the media to Twitter using the media/upload.json endpoint. 3.

how do I upload image to Twitter in custom code step assuming I’ve got img url available in the workflow?

To upload an image to Twitter using a custom code step in Pipedream, you’ll first need to download the image from the URL available in your workflow, save it to the /tmp directory, and then upload it to Twitter. Here’s how you can do it step by step: 1. Download the image to the /tmp directory. You can use the axios and fs (File System) modules to download the image. Make sure to replace YOUR_IMAGE_URL with the actual URL of the image you want to download. import { axios } from "@pipedream/platform"; import fs from "fs"; import stream from "stream"; import { promisify } from "util"; const pipeline = promisify(stream.pipeline); const imageUrl = "YOUR_IMAGE_URL"; // Replace with your image URL const imagePath = `/tmp/image.jpg`; // Path where the image will be saved await pipeline( (await axios($, { url: imageUrl, responseType: "stream" })).data, fs.createWriteStream(imagePath) ); 2. Upload the image to Twitter. After downloading the image, use the Twitter API to upload the media. You’ll need to use the formData module to prepare the file for upload, and include the Twitter OAuth token in the request header. import { axios } from "@pipedream/platform"; import FormData from "form-data"; // Assuming you have the Twitter OAuth token available const twitterOAuthToken = "YOUR_TWITTER_OAUTH_TOKEN"; // Replace with your OAuth token const formData = new FormData(); formData.append("media", fs.createReadStream(imagePath)); const mediaUploadResponse = await axios($, { method: "POST", url: "", headers: { "Authorization": `Bearer ${twitterOAuthToken}`, ...formData.getHeaders(), }, data: formData, }); // Extract media ID from response to use in the tweet const mediaId = mediaUploadResponse.media_id_string; // Now you can use this mediaId to create a tweet with the image 3. Create a tweet with the uploaded image. Use the media ID obtained from the previous step to create a tweet. ``` const tweetResponse = await axios($, { method: “POST”, url: "

how do I upload image to Twitter in custom code step assuming I’ve got img url available in the workflow? I need to have access to steps in the code to get what is available in the workflow

To upload an image to Twitter using a custom code step in Pipedream, you’ll first need to download the image from the URL available in your workflow to the /tmp directory. Then, you can use the Twitter API to upload the image from the /tmp directory. Here’s how you can do it: 1. Download the image to the /tmp directory. 2. Use the Twitter API to upload the media. Here’s an example code snippet that demonstrates these steps: import { axios } from "@pipedream/platform"; import fs from "fs"; import got from "got"; import stream from "stream"; import { promisify } from "util"; export default defineComponent({ props: { twitter: { type: "app", app: "twitter", }, }, async run({ steps, $ }) { // Step 1: Download the image to the /tmp directory const imageUrl = "YOUR_IMAGE_URL_HERE"; // Replace with your image URL const filename = "/tmp/image.jpg"; // Temporary file path const pipeline = promisify(stream.pipeline); await pipeline(, fs.createWriteStream(filename) ); // Step 2: Upload the media to Twitter const mediaData = fs.readFileSync(filename, { encoding: "base64" }); const uploadResponse = await axios($, { method: "POST", url: "", headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${this.twitter.$auth.oauth_access_token}`, "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", }, data: `media_data=${mediaData}`, }); // Optional: Use the media_id in a tweet const mediaId = uploadResponse.media_id_string; const tweetResponse = await axios($, { method: "POST", url: "", headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${this.twitter.$auth.oauth_access_token}`, }, params: { status: "Here is my uploaded image!", media_ids: mediaId, }, }); return tweetResponse; }, }); Please replace "YOUR_IMAGE_URL_HERE" with the actual URL of the image you want to upload. This code does the following: - Downloads the image

I run this code and I get following error: Invalid or expired token

It seems like you’re encountering an authentication issue with an API or service you’re trying to access in your code. The error “Invalid or expired token” typically indicates that the access token you’re using to authenticate your request is either incorrect, has expired, or has been revoked. Without seeing the specific code you’re running, I can offer some general advice on how to troubleshoot and resolve this issue: 1. Check the Token: Ensure that the token you’re using is correct. It’s easy to accidentally copy and paste the wrong token or make a typo. 2. Token Expiry: Many tokens have an expiration time. If your token has expired, you’ll need to obtain a new one. This often involves making a request to the service’s authentication endpoint with your client credentials. 3. Refresh Tokens: If the service supports refresh tokens, and your access token has expired, use the refresh token to obtain a new access token. 4. Permissions and Scopes: Ensure that the token has the necessary permissions or scopes for the operation you’re trying to perform. 5. Rate Limits: Some services impose rate limits. If you exceed these limits, your token may be temporarily blocked. 6. Service Outages: Check if the service you’re trying to access is experiencing any outages or issues that might be affecting authentication. If you’re using a specific API or service within a Pipedream workflow and encountering this error, please provide more details about the service you’re trying to connect to and the relevant part of your code. This will help me give you more targeted advice. For further assistance, you might also consider visiting Pipedream’s support for more specialized help.

how do I upload image to Twitter in custom code step assuming I’ve got img url available in the workflow? I need to have access to steps in the code to get what is available in the workflow. Authentication through API and API secret not Bearer

To upload an image to Twitter in a custom code step, you can use the Twitter API’s media upload endpoint. Since you mentioned you have the image URL available in the workflow and need access to steps in the code, I’ll provide an example that demonstrates how to do this. Note that for Twitter authentication, you’ll be using OAuth credentials (API key and API secret) provided by your Twitter app. First, ensure you’ve connected your Twitter account to Pipedream. This process will handle the OAuth flow and provide you with the necessary authentication tokens. Here’s an example of how you might write a Pipedream component to upload an image to Twitter: ``` import { axios } from “@pipedream/platform” export default defineComponent({ props: { twitter: { type: “app”, app: “twitter”, }, }, async run({ steps, $ }) { // Assuming steps.trigger.event.body.imageUrl contains the URL of the image you want to upload const imageUrl = steps.trigger.event.body.imageUrl; // First, download the image content const imageResponse = await axios($, { url: imageUrl, responseType: “arraybuffer”, }); // Convert image content to base64 const base64Image = Buffer.from(imageResponse, ‘binary’).toString(‘base64’); // Step 1: INIT media upload let mediaId = “”; const initResponse = await axios($, { method: “POST”, url: “”, params: { command: “INIT”, total_bytes: imageResponse.length, media_type: “image/jpeg”, }, headers: { Authorization: Bearer ${this.twitter.$auth.oauth_access_token}, }, }); if (initResponse.media_id_string) { mediaId = initResponse.media_id_string; // Step 2: APPEND media upload await axios($, { method: “POST”, url: “”, params: { command: “APPEND”, media_id: mediaId, media: base64Image, segment_index: 0, }, headers: { “Content-Type”: “application/octet-stream”, Authorization: Bearer ${this.twitter.$auth.oauth_access_token}, },