How to send a message on Telegram Channel everytime an order is filled in Bybit?

Hello, r there some chance to activate one trigger that send a message to telegram channel everytime one order is filled in BYBIT?

Hi @mattmediawg,

To send a Telegram message whenever there is an order filled in Bybit, you can create a Pipedream workflow with the following steps:

  1. Use a Bybit action to monitor orders. Unfortunately, there isn’t a pre-built action for this in Pipedream currently. You can create a custom component to call Bybit’s API to check for filled orders periodically (You can refer to Bybit’s API documentation for more details:, or you can create a ticket to request a new trigger here: Sign in to GitHub · GitHub
  2. Add a conditional step to check if the order is filled.
  3. If the order is filled, use the “Send Message” action from the Telegram app in Pipedream. Search for the Telegram app from the step menu, select the “Send Message” action, and connect your Telegram account.
  4. Configure the “Send Message” action with the chat ID and the message you want to send.
    This workflow will run periodically, checking for filled orders in Bybit and sending a Telegram message when an order is filled. If you need further assistance or if you’d like to request a pre-built action for monitoring Bybit orders, please visit for more support options.

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