How to Resolve 'Type Error' When Updating Metaobject of Shopify from Airtable?

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I’m trying to update metaobject of shopify, from airtable to shopify, but i keep getting error

Type Error
Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘metaobject’)

If i choose from the object list, it worked. But if i use id text from airtable, it getting this error. Can someone help me?

Thanks , I will try to reproduce this and get back to you soon

Hi , I can reproduce your issue and I have created an issue here to fix it: [BUG] Shopify - Update Metaobject throws error when `Metaobject` field is a custom expression · Issue #8410 · PipedreamHQ/pipedream · GitHub

Kindly subscribe to the ticket to be noticed when it is fixed!

It looks like that’s because that prop is dynamic, right ? So a custom expression won’t work there

Hi , yeah it’s because the prop is dynamic.

On the Update Metaobject action, the action fetch default values for the metaobject fields when the user selects a metaobject, but this breaks when the user uses dynamic value.

Yea so you’ll need to select the metaobject from the list, like in your 2nd screenshot. Using a custom expression won’t work here, which makes sense, because I believe the metaobject fields might change between each execution, right?