How to Resolve Intermittent TLSSocket Error in Code for Firebase and Google Cloud Storage Operations?

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while using this code sometimes I am getting this error
This step was still trying to run code when the step ended. Make sure you promisify callback functions and await all Promises. (Reason: TLSSocket, )

but sometimes it works fine how to solve this ??

import lodash from’lodash’
import { WebClient } from ‘@slack/web-api’;
import admin from ‘firebase-admin’;
import {Storage} from ‘@google-cloud/storage’
export default defineComponent({
props: {
google_cloud: {
type: “app”,
app: “google_cloud”,
firebase_admin_sdk: {
type: “app”,
app: “firebase_admin_sdk”,
async run({steps, $}) {
const { projectId, clientEmail, privateKey } = this.firebase_admin_sdk.$auth
const formattedPrivateKey = privateKey.replace(/\n/g, ‘\n’)
if (!admin.apps.length) {
credential: admin.credential.cert({
privateKey: formattedPrivateKey,
const key = JSON.parse(this.google_cloud.$auth.key_json)
const storage = new Storage({
projectId: key.project_id,
credentials: {
client_email: key.client_email,
private_key: key.private_key,
async function getProjectFinancialTasksData() {
//some code to get data
return projectFinanacialTasks

async function removeProjectFinanacialTask(collection) {
const db_data = admin.firestore();
let collectionRef = db_data.collection(collection)
const snapshot = await collectionRef.get();

    const deletePromises = => doc.ref.delete());
    await Promise.all(deletePromises);
    const snapshot1 = await collectionRef.get();


async function uploadProjectFinanacialTasks(projectFinanacialTasks, collection) {
//some code to upload documents to collectino

  let collection ="collection-name"
  let projectFinanacialTasks=await getProjectFinancialTasksData()
  await removeProjectFinanacialTask(collection)
  await uploadProjectFinanacialTasks(projectFinanacialTasks, collection)



The error message you’re encountering, “This step was still trying to run code when the step ended. Make sure you promisify callback functions and await all Promises,” typically indicates that there’s asynchronous code within your Pipedream component that hasn’t completed execution before the step ends. This can happen if a Promise isn’t awaited or if there’s asynchronous code that doesn’t properly signal its completion. In your provided code, the main async run function is correctly marked as async, and you’re using await with the asynchronous functions inside it. However, the issue might arise from how these functions are executed within the try block or from the asynchronous operations within those functions not being awaited properly. Here are some steps to troubleshoot and potentially solve this issue: 1. Ensure All Promises are Awaited: Make sure that all functions that return a Promise are awaited or properly handled with .then() and .catch() if not using async/await. This includes any database operations, API calls, or other asynchronous functions. 2. Review Custom Asynchronous Functions: In your code, you have custom asynchronous functions like getProjectFinancialTasksData, removeProjectFinanacialTask, and uploadProjectFinanacialTasks. Ensure that any asynchronous operation within these functions is also awaited. This includes any database queries, API requests, or other asynchronous tasks. 3. Error Handling: Your try block is correctly set up to catch any errors from the asynchronous operations. However, make sure that the error handling doesn’t inadvertently cause the function to exit before all asynchronous operations have completed. The $.flow.exit() call will immediately exit the workflow, which might not be what you want in all cases. 4. Firebase Initialization: You’re checking if admin.apps.length is 0 before initializing the Firebase app. This is a good practice to avoid initializing the app multiple times. However, ensure that this condition works as expected and doesn’t skip necessary initialization. 5. External Dependencies: The use of external libraries like lodash, @slack/web-api, and @google-cloud/storage is noted. Ensure that any asynchronous operation provided by these libraries is also awaited. 6. Review the Documentation: Review the Pipedream documentation on handling asynchronous code to ensure your implementation aligns with best practices. Given the intermittent nature of the issue, it

using the code I’ve provided can you check if Ensure All Promises are Awaited is satisfied? if not please give me modified code

To accurately assess whether all promises in your code are awaited, I would need to see the specific code you’re referring to. Unfortunately, without the code snippet, I can’t directly verify if all promises are awaited or provide a modified version of your code. However, I can guide you on how to ensure that all promises in your Node.js code are awaited, based on common practices and the information provided in the Pipedream documentation. 1. Await All Promises: Make sure that every promise in your code is preceded by the await keyword. This ensures that the code execution waits for the promise to resolve before moving on. // Example of awaiting a promise const result = await someAsyncFunction(); 2. Async Function Declaration: Ensure that the function containing the await keyword is declared as async. This is necessary because the await keyword can only be used inside async functions. // Example of an async function async function fetchData() { const data = await fetch(''); return data.json(); } 3. Error Handling: Use try-catch blocks for error handling in async functions. This helps in catching any errors that might occur during the promise resolution. // Example of error handling in async functions async function fetchData() { try { const data = await fetch(''); return data.json(); } catch (error) { console.error('Error fetching data:', error); } } 4. Promise.all for Concurrent Promises: If you have multiple promises that can be executed concurrently, use Promise.all to await all of them at once. This can improve the performance of your code. ```
// Example of using Promise.all async function fetchMultipleData() { const [data1, data2] = await Promise.all([ fetch(‘’).then(res => res.json()), fetch(‘’).then(res => res.json()), ]); return { data1, data2 }; }

here is my code

async function removeProjectFinanacialTask(collection) {
const db_data = admin.firestore();
let collectionRef = db_data.collection(collection)
const snapshot = await collectionRef.get();
console.log(...Records to delete...: ${snapshot.size});

    **const** deletePromises = => doc.ref.**delete**());
    **await** Promise.all(deletePromises);
    console.log("deletion complete")

    **const** snapshot1 = **await** collectionRef.**get**();
    console.log(`..Records left in collection after delete ...: ${snapshot1.size}`);


It looks like you’re working with Firebase Firestore to delete all documents within a specific collection. Your code snippet is a good start, but since you’re asking for help within the context of Pipedream, I’ll guide you on how to adapt this functionality into a Pipedream component. However, it’s important to note that direct integration with Firebase Firestore isn’t detailed in the provided documentation, so the following example is based on general best practices for working with external APIs in Pipedream components. import { axios } from "@pipedream/platform" export default defineComponent({ props: { firebase: { type: "app", app: "firebase", } }, async run({ steps, $ }) { const collection = "your_collection_name_here"; // Replace with your collection name const baseUrl = ""; // Replace YOUR_PROJECT_ID with your Firebase project ID const url = `${baseUrl}/${collection}`; // Fetch all documents in the collection const fetchResponse = await axios($, { method: "GET", url: url, headers: { "Authorization": `Bearer ${this.firebase.$auth.oauth_access_token}`, }, }); console.log(`...Records to delete...: ${fetchResponse.documents.length}`); // Delete each document const deletePromises = => { const docUrl = `${baseUrl}/${}`; // Construct the URL for the document return axios($, { method: "DELETE", url: docUrl, headers: { "Authorization": `Bearer ${this.firebase.$auth.oauth_access_token}`, }, }); }); await Promise.all(deletePromises); console.log("Deletion complete"); // Optionally, fetch the collection again to verify deletion const verifyResponse = await axios($, { method: "GET", url: url, headers: { "Authorization": `Bearer ${this.firebase.$auth.oauth_access_token}`, }, }); console.log(`..Records left in collection after delete...: ${verifyResponse.documents.length}`); }, }) Please note: - You need to replace "your_collection_name_here" with the actual name of your Firestore collection. - Replace "YOUR_PROJECT_ID" with your Firebase project ID in the `

can you modify my existing code instead?

Certainly! To modify your existing code, you can use the Edit with AI feature in Pipedream. Here’s how you can do it: 1. Navigate to the Node.js code step you wish to modify in your Pipedream workflow. 2. Click the Edit with AI button located at the top-right of the code step. 3. In the code generation window that appears, you’ll see the original code from your step. Enter a prompt that describes the modifications you’d like to make. 4. Pipedream’s AI will then provide you with the modified code based on your prompt. !Edit code with AI GIF This feature allows you to easily edit and improve your code directly within Pipedream. If you have specific changes in mind, feel free to share them, and I can provide more tailored guidance.

using that feature edit with AI it is giving me my existing code itself

It seems like you’re encountering an issue, but I need a bit more information to provide a precise solution. Could you please clarify what feature you’re referring to and describe the problem you’re experiencing in more detail? Additionally, if you’re working with a specific piece of code or a Pipedream component, sharing that context would be very helpful.

using edit with AI it is returning my existing code itself without resolving the warning
This step was still trying to run code when the step ended. Make sure you promisify callback functions and await all Promises. (Reason: TLSSocket,

It seems like you’re encountering an issue where asynchronous code in your Node.js step is not completing before the step ends, which is why you’re seeing the warning about the step still trying to run code when it ended. This typically happens when Promises are not awaited or callback functions are not properly promisified and awaited. To resolve this issue, you need to ensure that any asynchronous operation in your code is awaited so that the execution waits for the operation to complete before moving on. If you’re using callback functions, you should convert them into Promises and then use await to wait for their completion. Here’s a general approach to handling asynchronous operations with Promises and await: 1. Await All Promises: Make sure that every Promise in your code is awaited. This is crucial for ensuring that the asynchronous operation completes before the step ends. async function fetchData() { const response = await axios.get(''); return; } export default defineComponent({ async run({ steps, $ }) { const data = await fetchData(); console.log(data); } }); 2. Promisify Callback Functions: If you’re dealing with a function that uses callbacks, you can wrap it in a Promise and then await that Promise. Here’s an example of how to promisify a callback function: ```
function fetchData(callback) { // Simulating an asynchronous operation using a callback setTimeout(() => { callback(null, “Data fetched successfully”); }, 1000); } export default defineComponent({ async run({ steps, $ }) { const data = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { fetchData((err, result) => { if (err) reject(err); else resolve(result); }); }); console.log(data); } });

how to promisify this ?

async function removeProjectFinanacialTask(collection) {
const db_data = admin.firestore();
let collectionRef = db_data.collection(collection)
const snapshot = await collectionRef.get();
console.log(...Records to delete...: ${snapshot.size});

    **const** deletePromises = => doc.ref.**delete**());
    **await** Promise.all(deletePromises);
    console.log("deletion complete")

    **const** snapshot1 = **await** collectionRef.**get**();
    console.log(`..Records left in collection after delete ...: ${snapshot1.size}`);


The code you’ve provided is already using async/await syntax, which is a way to handle asynchronous operations in JavaScript. The Promise.all method you’re using to wait for all delete operations to complete is also a part of this asynchronous handling. Therefore, your function is already “promisified” in the sense that it’s using Promises (through async/await) to handle asynchronous operations. However, if you’re looking to wrap a callback-based asynchronous operation into a Promise, you can do so by creating a new Promise and resolving or rejecting it within the callback. Here’s a general example of how to “promisify” a callback function: function asyncOperationWithCallback(callback) { // Simulate an async operation with a callback setTimeout(() => { const result = "operation result"; const error = null; // or an error if something went wrong callback(error, result); }, 1000); } function promisifiedAsyncOperation() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { asyncOperationWithCallback((error, result) => { if (error) { reject(error); } else { resolve(result); } }); }); } // Using the promisified function async function run() { try { const result = await promisifiedAsyncOperation(); console.log(result); } catch (error) { console.error(error); } } run(); In your specific case, since Firestore’s get and delete methods already return Promises, you don’t need to wrap them in another Promise. Your use of async/await and Promise.all is the correct approach for handling these asynchronous operations.

if its already handling async operations then why am i getting that error sometimes

Based on your question about encountering errors with asynchronous operations, it seems you might be facing issues related to the proper handling of async code in your Pipedream workflows. This can occur if asynchronous code within a Node.js code step doesn’t complete before the next step begins execution. There are a couple of common reasons for this: 1. Forgetting to await a Promise: All Promises must be awaited within a step so they resolve before the step finishes. If you forget to use await, the Promise may not resolve in time, leading to the error you’re seeing. 2. Using callback functions: Since callback functions run asynchronously, they typically will not finish before the step ends. You can wrap your function in a Promise to ensure it resolves before the step finishes. Additionally, it’s worth noting that sometimes this warning can be a false positive. If you’re confident you’re awaiting all Promises and the operations are succeeding, it could be an issue with how some libraries handle Promises, especially those making HTTP requests or reading data from disk. In such cases, if all relevant operations are truly succeeding, you might safely ignore the error. For more detailed guidance on handling asynchronous operations in Node.js within Pipedream, including examples on how to properly await Promises and wrap callback functions in Promises, please refer to the Asynchronous section of the Node.js documentation on Pipedream. If you continue to experience issues or believe the warning is a false positive, consider filing a bug report with Pipedream for further investigation.

probably need to sprinkle a few await db_data.terminate() calls in your code.