How to Reset Environment Variables in Pipedream?

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Hey all, i’m trying to reset an environment variable in code and for some reason this is not working. Is there a different way i need to reset environment variables in pipedream?

We don’t currently support editing env vars in code. Based on that screenshot, it looks like you’re managing an authentication flow within your workflow. Is there an API that we can integrate and abstract that process for you?

Here’s an overview of connected accounts within Pipedream:

thanks for the quick response! It’s go high level’s V2 Api that i’m trying to integrate

I believe that is an integrated app, have you tried searching for “highlevel”?

I have but no luck

Is there a way to contrib in happy to build the auth flow


i just checked it’s there :man-facepalming:

Screenshot 2024-04-09 at 10.08.18 AM.png

Were they not showing up before? Or was your search different?

it was previously on the HighLevel App there wasn’t an OAuth option before