How to Replace a Static Date with a Dynamic Value in a Firebase Trigger Query?

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I am using firebase trigger(generate new event when document is created in collection) in which I am using this structured query that is working fine
{ “select”: { “fields”: },
“from”: [
“collectionId”: “collection-name”,
“allDescendants”: “false”
“where”: {
“fieldFilter”: {
“field”: {
“fieldPath”: “start”
“value”: {
“stringValue”: “2024-05-03T00:00:00.000Z”
“orderBy”: [
“field”: {
“fieldPath”: “start”
“direction”: “DESCENDING”
“limit”: 1
but in place of “2024-05-03T00:00:00.000Z” as static I want to use dynamic value calculated using this
const now = new Date();
const currentDayStart = new Date(Date.UTC(now.getUTCFullYear(), now.getUTCMonth(), now.getUTCDate()));
currentDayStart.toISOString() // to use

how to achieve this?

To dynamically generate the date value you want to use in your Firebase trigger query, you can modify the structured query within your Pipedream workflow to include JavaScript code that calculates the current day’s start in UTC and formats it as an ISO string. This calculation can be done right before the query is constructed, allowing you to insert the dynamic date value into your query. Here’s how you can achieve this: 1. Calculate the current day’s start in UTC. 2. Construct the query with the dynamically generated date. export default defineComponent({ async run({ steps, $ }) { // Calculate the current day's start in UTC const now = new Date(); const currentDayStart = new Date(Date.UTC(now.getUTCFullYear(), now.getUTCMonth(), now.getUTCDate())); const currentDayStartISO = currentDayStart.toISOString(); // Construct the query with the dynamic date const query = { "select": { "fields": [] }, "from": [ { "collectionId": "collection-name", "allDescendants": "false" } ], "where": { "fieldFilter": { "field": { "fieldPath": "start" }, "op": "GREATER_THAN", "value": { "stringValue": currentDayStartISO } } }, "orderBy": [ { "field": { "fieldPath": "start" }, "direction": "DESCENDING" } ], "limit": 1 }; // Use the query in your Firebase trigger or API call // For example, this could be a placeholder for where you'd use the query: // const response = await axios($, { // method: "POST", // url: "", // data: query, // }); // Return the query for demonstration purposes return query; }, }); This code snippet demonstrates how to dynamically generate the currentDayStartISO value and use it in your structured query. Replace "collection-name" with your actual collection ID and adjust the axios call according to your specific requirements for interacting with Firebase.

but my trigger is a inbuilt firebase trigger how can I write nodejs code there?

To integrate custom Node.js code with a Firebase trigger in a Pipedream workflow, you would typically use a Firebase trigger to initiate the workflow and then add a Node.js code step to perform your custom logic. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how you might set this up: 1. Start with a Firebase Trigger: In your Pipedream workflow, begin by selecting a Firebase trigger. This could be any event from Firebase that you want to use to initiate your workflow. If you’re using a built-in Firebase trigger, search for Firebase in the Pipedream UI and select the appropriate trigger based on the event you’re interested in. 2. Add a Node.js Code Step: After your workflow is triggered by a Firebase event, you can add a custom Node.js code step to perform any logic or processing required. To add a Node.js code step: - Click on the “+” button below your trigger to add a new step. - Choose the “Run Node.js code” option. - You’ll be presented with a code editor where you can write your custom Node.js logic. 3. Write Your Node.js Code: In the Node.js code step, you can access data from the trigger using the steps object. Here’s a basic example of how to access trigger data and perform a simple operation: export default defineComponent({ async run({ steps, $ }) { // Access data from the Firebase trigger const eventData =; // Example custom logic console.log("Processing event data:", eventData); // You can make API requests, process data, or perform other actions here } }); 4. Use the Processed Data: After processing the data in your Node.js code step, you can use the output of this step in subsequent steps of your workflow. The data returned from the Node.js step will be available in the steps object for other steps to use. Remember, the specific details of how you write your Node.js code will depend on what you’re trying to achieve with the data from your Firebase trigger. The example above is a basic template to get you started. If you need more detailed guidance or have specific requirements for your Node.js code, please provide more details about what you’re trying to accomplish, and I’ll do my best to assist further.

but I need nodejs code within the firebase trigger itself so that value returned by code will be using in structured query of trigger

Based on your request, it seems you’re looking to execute Node.js code within a Firebase trigger, and then use the value returned by that code in a structured query of the trigger. While Pipedream workflows allow you to trigger workflows based on events from hundreds of apps, including Firebase, and execute Node.js code within those workflows, the specific functionality of embedding Node.js code directly within a Firebase trigger isn’t directly supported as described. However, you can achieve a similar outcome by structuring your workflow to use the Firebase trigger to initiate the workflow, then immediately follow that trigger with a Node.js code step to perform your required logic, and finally use the output of that Node.js code step in subsequent steps of your workflow, including making structured queries or further API calls. Here’s a general approach to structuring this workflow: 1. Firebase Trigger: Start your workflow with a Firebase trigger. This will initiate your workflow whenever the specified event occurs in Firebase. 2. Node.js Code Step: Next, add a Node.js code step to execute your custom logic. You can access data from the trigger using steps.trigger.event and perform any necessary computations or API calls. export default defineComponent({ async run({steps, $}) { // Example logic using data from the Firebase trigger const valueFromTrigger =; // Perform your logic here and return a value const computedValue = valueFromTrigger ** 10; // Example computation return computedValue; }, }) 3. *Use Computed Value: After the Node.js code step, you can use the value it returns in subsequent steps of your workflow, such as making structured queries or further API calls. The output of the Node.js step is accessible via steps object, for example, steps.nodejs_step_name.$return_value. Remember, while you can’t directly embed Node.js code within a Firebase trigger, you can structure your Pipedream workflow to achieve the desired outcome by using the output of a Node.js code step in subsequent parts of your workflow. If you have specific requirements or need further assistance with the Node.js code or structuring your workflow, please feel free to ask more detailed questions!

how do I modify the code for a Firebase event source in Pipedream? I’ve created the source and linked it to my workflow as a trigger, but I need to modify the behavior of the source itself

To modify the code for a Firebase event source in Pipedream, you’ll need to follow these steps: 1. Find the Source Code: The code for all event sources is public and kept in the PipedreamHQ/pipedream GitHub repository. You can search for the Firebase event source code there. 2. Edit the Source: Once you’ve located the Firebase event source code, you can fork the repository or download the specific source code to make your modifications. Ensure you understand the structure and how the event source operates. If you’re adding new features or changing the behavior, test your changes thoroughly. 3. Publish Your Changes: After you’ve made your modifications, you can publish your new version of the event source. If you’re improving the source in a way that could benefit others, consider submitting a pull request to the original PipedreamHQ/pipedream repository. This way, the Pipedream community can review and potentially incorporate your changes. For detailed instructions on publishing or modifying event sources, refer to the Publishing a new event source, or modifying an existing source documentation. 4. Use Your Modified Source: Once your modified event source is published, you can use it in your workflows. If you’ve submitted your changes to the Pipedream repository and they’ve been merged, your updated source will be available directly within Pipedream. Otherwise, you may need to use your fork or a custom version deployed to your account. Remember, you can always discuss source development and get help from the Pipedream team and community. Join the #contribute channel in the Pipedream public Slack or post in the #dev topic in the Pipedream community for support. For more detailed guidance or if you encounter any issues, please visit Pipedream’s support page.

thanks. What if I just want to edit the code for the running source in PIpedream, and not fork the registry source? Can’t I just do that from the sources UI?

Yes, you can directly edit the code for a running source in Pipedream without forking the registry source. To do this, navigate to the Configuration tab for the source in the Pipedream UI. Here, you can update the code and properties (props) for your component as needed. This allows you to make changes to your source directly within the Pipedream environment.

check out Pi’s answers above. I’d recommend visiting Sign Up - Pipedream, finding your source / trigger there, and visiting the Configuration tab to edit the code. You can also author that code locally (so you can version control it) and publish it using the Pipedream UI, deploying your modified code and selecting that as a workflow trigger. Let me know if that helps.