How to Pause Another Workflow Based on an Error Message?

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how to pause another workflow based on the error message?

To pause another workflow based on an error message, you’ll need to use a combination of error handling and flow control mechanisms. While Pipedream does not directly support pausing a workflow from another workflow based on an error message, you can architect a solution using the $errors stream and the $.flow.suspend method. Here’s a step-by-step guide: 1. Handle errors in your workflows: Every time a workflow throws an error, it emits an event to the $errors stream for that workflow. You can create a subscription that delivers these errors to another Pipedream workflow. 2. Create a workflow to handle errors: - Create a new workflow that will handle errors from your main workflow. This workflow will act upon receiving an error message. - Use the HTTP / Webhook trigger for this workflow, as it will be triggered by the error events from your main workflow. 3. Subscribe to the $errors stream: - Make a request to the Pipedream API to subscribe your error-handling workflow to the $errors stream of your main workflow. Replace emitter_id with the ID of your main workflow, and listener_id with the ID of your error-handling workflow. bash curl '$errors' \ -X POST \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <api_key>" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" 4. Implement error handling logic: - In your error-handling workflow, parse the incoming error message to determine if it matches the condition(s) to pause another workflow. - If the condition is met, use the $.flow.suspend method to pause the workflow you intend to pause. Note that $.flow.suspend is used within the same workflow to pause its execution. To pause another workflow, you might need to trigger a specific condition in that workflow that leads it to pause itself using $.flow.suspend. 5. Configure the target workflow to pause under certain conditions: - In the workflow you wish to pause, implement a condition at the beginning of the workflow (or at relevant points) that checks for a specific signal (e.g., a value in a data store, an API call) indicating it should pause.

Provide a node.js code

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write node.js code to pause another workflow based on its error message

To pause another workflow based on its error message, you would typically need a mechanism to monitor or catch errors from the target workflow and then trigger a pause action. However, directly pausing another workflow programmatically based on its error message is not a straightforward process in Pipedream, as workflows are isolated for security and reliability reasons. Instead, you can design a system where the target workflow sends its error messages to a central workflow (let’s call it the “Monitor Workflow”), which then decides whether to pause the target workflow. This can be achieved using Pipedream’s built-in HTTP triggers and actions, but note that you can’t directly pause a workflow from another workflow. You would need manual intervention or an external system’s API call to actually pause the workflow. Here’s a conceptual approach using Node.js code: 1. Target Workflow Setup: Modify the target workflow to send error messages to the Monitor Workflow using an HTTP request. You can use a try/catch block in your code steps to catch errors and then use an HTTP action to send the error message to the Monitor Workflow. 2. Monitor Workflow Setup: This workflow will receive error messages and, based on the content, you might decide to notify an administrator to manually pause the workflow or automate this via an API if the external system supports it. ### Example Code for Target Workflow to Send Error Messages ```
import { axios } from “@pipedream/platform” try { // Your workflow logic here } catch (error) { // Send error message to Monitor Workflow await axios($, { method: “POST”, url: “https://<monitor_workflow_endpoint>”, data: { errorMessage: error.message, workflowId: “<target_workflow_id>” }, }); }

here is my code to pause another workflow based on its error message:

import { axios } from “@pipedream/platform”;

export default defineComponent({
props: {
pipedream: {
type: “app”,
app: “pipedream”,
workflowId: {
type: “string”,
label: “Workflow ID”,
description: “The ID of the workflow you want to pause”,
workspaceId: {
type: “string”,
label: “Workspace ID”,
description: “The ID of your workspace”,
async run({ steps, $ }) {
const errorMessage = steps.trigger.event.error.msg;
if(errorMessage.startsWith(“429 Rate limit”)) {
return await axios($, {
method: “PUT”,
headers: {
Authorization: Bearer ${this.pipedream.$auth.api_key},
data: {
active: false,
workspace_id: this.workspaceId

But I got this error when run it:
AxiosError - Request failed with status code 400
{“error”:“please specify a valid workspace”}

It appears there might be an issue with how the workspace ID is being passed in your request. The error message suggests that the workspace ID provided in the request is not recognized as valid by the Pipedream API. This could be due to a variety of reasons, such as an incorrect workspace ID, an issue with how the data is being formatted in the request, or the API endpoint not correctly handling the workspace ID parameter. To address this issue, I recommend double-checking the following: 1. Workspace ID: Ensure that the workspaceId prop correctly contains the ID of your workspace. Verify that the workspace ID is correct and corresponds to an existing workspace in your Pipedream account. 2. API Request Format: Ensure that the API request is formatted correctly according to the Pipedream API documentation. Specifically, check if the workspace_id parameter is expected in the request body for the API endpoint you’re using to pause a workflow. It’s possible that the API expects this information in a different part of the request or formatted differently. 3. Authorization: Verify that the API key (this.pipedream.$auth.api_key) is valid and has the necessary permissions to perform operations on workflows within the specified workspace. Since the specific API endpoint and its expected parameters for pausing a workflow are not detailed in the provided documentation snippets, I recommend consulting the Pipedream API documentation for more detailed information on the correct usage of the endpoint, including how to specify the workspace ID correctly. If after these checks the issue persists, consider reaching out to Pipedream support for more direct assistance with your specific use case. You can contact support at Support - Pipedream for help with troubleshooting API requests and understanding the requirements for the workspace ID parameter.