How to Make an HTTP Trigger Ignore Certain Requests such as Robots.txt and Favicon?

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What would be an appropiate way to make an HTTP trigger ignore this kind of requests? (robots.txt, favicon, …) there is a “remove favicon requests” but not for robots? :disappointed:

Hey , I believe your request make sense. I’ve created a ticket here to improve HTTP sources

In the mean time, you can try to use Pipedream Filter actions to filter out events that have the path /robots.txt

Thanks for the tip!

That most likely means the URL what shared somewhere where a web crawler was able to discover it.

: instead of filtering out an infinitely large list of exceptions, what could be even better & simpler would be the ability for HTTP triggers to accept POST requests only (or basically to select which HTTP methods to allow or decline).

Robots and the average web user/browser should never send a POST request arbitrarily (unless submitting a form, or something like that).

It was published on a forum, as it is an usage example

One sensible thing to do would be to add a parameter of “only accept requests to paths matching…” And make that a Regex. A second parameter could be “O ly accept HTTP methods…”

This avoids making assumptions, having an infinite arbitrary list of exclusions, or limiting methods.

(basically, make a “limited” filter built onto the trigger)

Path matching is an amazing idea! :ok_hand:

Even better than just matching on the HTTP method.

Thanks folks. I’ve updated the issue accordingly! The new prop should filter by path

Yes I wanted this as well as few of my HTTP trigger by SEO / robots. It failed due to unexpected trigger POST data. Hope this will be up soon!