How to Implement a Conditional Check in a Workflow for Processing RSS Feed Entries?

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I have my workflow that processes every new entry in the RSS feed at every hour. Before starting the steps I want to check a condition on the entry, otherwise try again at the next iteration. How can it be done ?

To achieve the functionality you’re describing, where you want to check a condition on each new entry in the RSS feed and decide whether to proceed or wait for the next iteration, you can use a combination of the RSS trigger and conditional logic within your Pipedream workflow. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how you can set this up: 1. Use the RSS Trigger: Start by using the “New Item in Feed” trigger from the RSS app. This trigger will start your workflow every time there’s a new entry in the specified RSS feed. markdown 1. Search for the RSS app from the trigger menu 2. Select the "New Item in Feed" trigger 3. Connect your RSS account 4. Select a Feed URL or pass a string from a previous step. How do I use the New Item in Feed trigger? 2. Set the Schedule: Configure the RSS trigger to check the feed on the schedule you desire, in this case, every hour. 3. Add Conditional Logic: After the trigger, you’ll want to add a step that checks your specific condition. If the condition is not met, you can use the $end function to stop the workflow execution until the next trigger event occurs. Here’s an example of how you might implement this in a code step: if (steps.trigger.event.item.condition !== "desired_value") { $end("Condition not met, trying again at the next iteration."); } Replace steps.trigger.event.item.condition with the actual path to the data in the RSS item you want to check, and "desired_value" with the value you’re checking for. 4. Proceed with Your Workflow: If the condition is met, the workflow will continue to execute the subsequent steps. You can add whatever actions or logic you need to process the RSS entry further. Remember, the $end function will stop the workflow execution for the current event without marking the workflow as failed. It’s a way to gracefully exit when a condition isn’t met, and it’s perfect for use cases like yours where you want to wait for the next iteration if a specific condition isn’t satisfied. This approach allows you to filter RSS feed entries based on your custom conditions and ensures that your workflow only processes entries that meet

what doesn it change from “$.flow.exit” and “$end” ?

The transition from "$end" to "$.flow.exit" represents a change in how workflows are exited early in different versions of Pipedream. In Pipedream v1, the $end function is used to exit a flow early. The syntax in v1 looks like this: async (event, steps) { $end('Exiting the whole workflow early'); console.log('I will never run'); } In Pipedream v2, this functionality is still available but has been updated to use $.flow.exit instead. The updated syntax in v2 is as follows: defineComponent({ async run({ steps, $ }) { return $.flow.exit("Exiting the workflow early"); console.log("I will never run"); }, }); The main change is the transition from a global $end function to a method $.flow.exit available on the $ object, reflecting the evolution of Pipedream’s workflow engine and its API. Both serve the same purpose of terminating the workflow execution early, but $.flow.exit is used in the context of the newer component model introduced in Pipedream v2. For more details, you can refer to the documentation on Exiting a workflow early and Ending steps early with return $.flow.exit.

It doesn’t work, it doesn’t reprocess the entry with that id in the next iteration

I’m sorry to hear you’re experiencing issues with reprocessing an entry in your workflow. To better assist you, could you please provide more details about the specific workflow and the steps involved? Specifically, it would be helpful to know: 1. What trigger or initial event starts your workflow? 2. How are you attempting to reprocess the entry? Are you using a loop, making an API call, or using some other method? 3. What is the expected behavior, and what exactly is happening instead? Understanding these details will help me provide you with more accurate guidance or code examples to address your issue.