How to Fix the Notion API Timeout Error that Consumes All My Daily Credits?

Okay I’ll take a look now

Hmm even I set the interval to 1 minute and have it run for 30 mins, I still see the source working normally. I will ping Andrew for checking

I see in both screenshots, the source was created 3 months ago — can you try recreating that source within your workflow?

I tried that a few days ago, I will try that again now

sorry for the delay. I tried creating a new source, and the error persists

Thanks . I will share this issue with our Component dev to check

, for context, could you share the estimated number of pages in your database?

Hi, Leo! The database has 299 items. I tried running the same trigger on another database of mine and it worked fine

I see, maybe that’s the reason. I will share with the component dev also

the bottom ones were on a database called “logs”, worked fine. The top one was when I changed back to “Sessoes”

“Logs” has 227 items

Thank you so much for your help

, I’ve created a ticket here for your issue: [BUG] Notion - New page in database source got Notion timeout error when the database has 299 pages · Issue #8433 · PipedreamHQ/pipedream · GitHub.

Kindly subscribe to the ticket to be noticed when it is fixed :pray:

Thank you, Leo! I’m subscribed!

Posted thread to Discourse: How to Solve Notion API Timeout Error Causing Excessive Daily Credit Consumption?

Hi, Everyone! Yesterday I was notified that the bug report we opened about this issue was marked as completed so I reactivated the source. Initially, it worked fine but after a while, the error came back and still consumed all my daily credits.

See the source log below

Sorry, can you remove that source and add it again? The updates to sources unfortunately don’t get pushed out to deployed (existing) sources right now.

aaahhh, Okay! Will do! Thank you

Hi, Guys!

I created a completely new workflow with a new source and the error is still happening