How to do automated messaging

how to make a workflow where text messages and whatsapp business messages are sent on dates, certain times depending on the date registered in the form.

I am using twilio to send messages to sms and whatsapp. But I also need to do it by whatsapp bussiness directly.

Hi @jacal2211

First off, welcome to the Pipedream community. Happy to have you!

You can schedule workflows to run on schedules or from webhooks.

You get started by reading our extensive documentation and watching our short University videos.

Regarding your Whatsapp Business question, have you tried the WhatsApp Business API integration?

I have been trying to use twilio for whatsapp messages and text sms.

How do I add to the sending of text messages by WhatsApp and SMS an agenda of delivery dates for notifications, saying for example: Good afternoon, sir, we remind you of your appointment scheduled for this “date”, this will be delivered one day before and 30 min before the appointment.

I have been testing with nodejs custome code, but as a “step”, in this I import moment.js, but the conditionals that I add that compare the day of the appointment with the current date, and subtract one day before and 30 min before the appointment date. But this conditional does not load into the workspace dataflow. because the conditionals not match with the appointment date, what tool as a trigger works to delay the sending of the SMS by seconds or by date? Another question I have about these pipedream/components at master · PipedreamHQ/pipedream · GitHub triggers Which is useful for sending notifications taking the date of the appointment as a trigger.

Hi @jacal2211

It sounds like you may find use in using a tool like QStash to schedule these messages and trigger a workflow to actually perform the SMS message:

With QStash, you can define an exact time when an background job should run, or on a repeated schedule.

Then you can trigger a corresponding Pipedream workflow based off of these scheduled events.

Hope this helps!

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