How to Convert a Single Object into an Array?

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How do I convert a single object into an array

To convert a single object into an array in a Pipedream workflow, you can use a code step like this: export default defineComponent({ async run({ steps }) { const object = steps.trigger.event; // Replace this with the object you want to convert const array = [object]; return array; }, }); This code takes the object and puts it into a new array. Replace steps.trigger.event with the object you want to convert into an array.

what custom expression do I use for the property type to update a notion page

To update a Notion page using the Update Page action, follow these steps: 1. Search for the Notion app from the step menu 2. Select the Update Page action 3. Connect your Notion account 4. Select a Page ID or pass a string from a previous step. For updating the property type, you can configure the following fields: - Select one or more Property Types or pass an array of strings from a previous step. - Select one or more Property Types Values or pass an array of strings from a previous step. The custom expression you use depends on the data you want to update. You can reference data from previous steps using steps.<step_name>.<property>. For example, if you have a step named get_properties that returns an array of property types, you can use steps.get_properties.property_types as the custom expression for the Property Types field. Similarly, use steps.get_properties.property_values for the Property Types Values field if that step returns the corresponding values.

can you write me the get_properties step that returns an array of properties for a given notion page

To retrieve properties of a Notion page, you can use the “Retrieve Page” action. Here’s how to set it up in a Pipedream workflow: 1. Search for the Notion app from the step menu. 2. Select the “Retrieve Page” action. 3. Connect your Notion account. 4. Select a Page ID or pass a string from a previous step. After setting up the “Retrieve Page” action, you can access the properties of the Notion page using steps.<step_name>.properties. Replace <step_name> with the name of the step where you used the “Retrieve Page” action.

how can I use the retrieve page action to get a custom expression for the property type in the update page function

To use the “Retrieve Page” action to get a custom expression for the property type in the “Update Page” function, follow these steps: 1. Add the “Retrieve Page” action from the Notion app in your Pipedream workflow. 2. Connect your Notion account and select the Page ID or pass it from a previous step. 3. Add the “Update Page” action from the Notion app after the “Retrieve Page” action. 4. Connect your Notion account and select the Page ID or pass it from a previous step. 5. In the “Property Types” and “Property Types Values” fields, use custom expressions to reference the properties from the “Retrieve Page” action. For example, if your “Retrieve Page” action is named retrieve_page, and you want to update the “Title” property, you can use the following custom expressions: - Property Types: ["Title"] - Property Types Values: [] Replace “Title” with the name of the property you want to update, and make sure to use the correct step name for your “Retrieve Page” action.

how can i make an automation to give a Notion page a random icon

To create an automation that gives a Notion page a random icon, you can follow these steps: 1. Set up a trigger for your workflow (e.g., an HTTP trigger, a Scheduler, or an app-based event). 2. Add a code step to generate a random icon. You can use an API or a predefined list of icons to choose from. 3. Add the “Update Page” action from the Notion app. 4. Connect your Notion account and select the Page ID or pass it from a previous step. 5. In the “Property Types” and “Property Types Values” fields, use custom expressions to reference the random icon generated in the code step. Here’s an example workflow with an HTTP trigger and a code step to generate a random icon from a predefined list: // Code step to generate a random icon export default defineComponent({ async run({ steps }) { const icons = ["🚀", "🌟", "🌈", "🦄", "🍕", "🎉"]; const randomIcon = icons[Math.floor(Math.random() * icons.length)]; return randomIcon; }, }); After setting up the code step, add the “Update Page” action, and use custom expressions to reference the random icon: - Property Types: ["icon"] - Property Types Values: [steps.generate_random_icon.result] Replace generate_random_icon with the name of your code step that generates the random icon.

does the notion api include a custom expression to use Notion’s built in randomizer for page icons

I’m not aware of a built-in randomizer for page icons in the Notion API. However, you can create a custom random icon selection in your Pipedream workflow using a code step and then update the Notion page with the chosen icon.

write me a code step to generate a random icon from a list of 50 emojis

Here’s a code step that generates a random icon from a list of 50 emojis: ```
export default defineComponent({ async run({ steps }) { const emojis = [ “:grinning:”, “:smiley:”, “:smile:”, “:grin:”, “:laughing:”, “:sweat_smile:”, “:joy:”, “:rofl:”, “:blush:”, “:innocent:”, “:slightly_smiling_face:”, “:upside_down_face:”, “:wink:”, “:relieved:”, “:heart_eyes:”, “:kissing_heart:”, “:kissing:”, “:kissing_smiling_eyes:”, “:kissing_closed_eyes:”, “:yum:”, “:stuck_out_tongue:”, “:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:”, “:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:”, “:crazy_face:”, “:face_with_raised_eyebrow:”, “:face_with_monocle:”, “:nerd_face:”, “:sunglasses:”, “:star_struck:”, “:smirk:”, “:unamused:”, “:disappointed:”, “:pensive:”, “:worried:”, “:confused:”, “:slightly_frowning_face:”, “:frowning:”, “:persevere:”, “:confounded:”, “:tired_face:”, “:weary:”, “:pleading_face:”, “:cry:”, “:sob:”, “:triumph:”, “:angry:”, “:rage:”, “:face_with_symbols_over_mouth:”, “:exploding_head:”, “:flushed:” ]; const randomIcon = emojis[Math.floor(Math.random() * emojis.length)]; return randomIcon; }, });

How do I configure a conditional step to only continue if a notion property is not emptuy

To configure a conditional step that only continues if a Notion property is not empty, you can use a code step with an if statement to check the property value. Here’s an example: 1. Add a Notion action (e.g., “Retrieve Page” or “Retrieve Page Property Item”) to get the property value. 2. Add a code step after the Notion action. 3. In the code step, check if the property value is not empty. Here’s an example code step: export default defineComponent({ async run({ steps }) { const propertyValue = steps.notion_action.result; // Replace "notion_action" with the name of your Notion action step if (propertyValue && propertyValue.trim() !== "") { // Property is not empty, continue with the next steps // Add your logic here } else { console.log("Notion property is empty. Skipping the next steps."); $.flow.end("Notion property is empty"); } }, }); Replace notion_action with the name of your Notion action step that retrieves the property value. This code step checks if the property value is not empty, and if it’s not empty, it continues with the next steps. If the property is empty, it logs a message and ends the workflow using $.flow.end().

write me a code step that parses a date property from a notion page and returns it as a string in the format of MM-DD-YYYY

Here’s a code step that parses a date property from a Notion page and returns it as a string in the format of MM-DD-YYYY: import { format } from "date-fns"; export default defineComponent({ props: { dateProperty: { type: "string", label: "Date Property", description: "The date property from the Notion page", }, }, async run({ steps }) { const parsedDate = new Date(this.dateProperty); const formattedDate = format(parsedDate, "MM-dd-yyyy"); return formattedDate; }, }); You’ll need to pass the date property from the Notion page to the dateProperty prop when using this code step in your workflow.

How do i find an entry in a database which has a title matching a string

To find an entry in a Notion database with a title matching a specific string, you can use the “Query Database” action in Pipedream. Here’s how: 1. Search for the Notion app from the step menu. 2. Select the “Query Database” action. 3. Connect your Notion account. 4. Select a Database ID or pass a string from a previous step. 5. Configure a Filter to match the title property with the desired string. For example, if your title property is named “Title”, you can set up a filter like this: ```
{ “property”: “Title”, “title”: { “equals”: “Your desired string” } }