How to Automate Data Extraction from Smartsheet and Use GetEmail for Contact Retrieval?

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I have an issue extrating data from smartsheet and using getemail to get the emails. I want to automate by having someone just add the companies to smartsheet, getemail gets the contact and the info gets sent back to smartsheet

Based on your description, it sounds like you want to create a Pipedream workflow that triggers when a new company is added to Smartsheet, uses GetEmail to retrieve contact information, and then updates Smartsheet with that information. To achieve this, you would need to set up a trigger that listens for new rows in Smartsheet, use GetEmail to find the contact details, and then use an action to update Smartsheet with the retrieved data. Unfortunately, I don’t have access to live data or specific details about the GetEmail service you’re mentioning, so I can’t provide a complete solution. However, I can guide you on how to set up the Smartsheet trigger and update action within Pipedream. First, you’ll need to create a new workflow in Pipedream with a Smartsheet trigger that listens for new rows added to a specific sheet. Then, you can add a code step or action to use the GetEmail API to retrieve the contact information. Finally, you’ll add another action to update the Smartsheet with the information retrieved from GetEmail. Here’s a basic structure of what the Pipedream component code might look like for the Smartsheet part: ```
import { axios } from “@pipedream/platform”; export default defineComponent({ props: { smartsheet: { type: “app”, app: “smartsheet”, }, }, async run({ steps, $ }) { // Code to trigger on new row in Smartsheet and retrieve the company name // Code to use GetEmail API to find contact information // Code to update Smartsheet with the contact information }, });

Can a human help me help me understand what Im doing wrong, for some reason the automation is not getting the data from smartsheet correctly

I’m sorry to hear you’re having trouble with your Smartsheet automation. To assist you better, could you please provide more details about the issue? Specifically: 1. What is the expected outcome of your automation? 2. What data are you trying to retrieve from Smartsheet? 3. Can you share the part of your Pipedream workflow where you’re attempting to get data from Smartsheet? 4. Are there any error messages or logs you can provide? Once I have this information, I’ll be able to help you troubleshoot the issue more effectively. If you prefer to speak with a human for support, you can visit for more support options.

  1. The expected outcome is for us to automate email finding. Simply add the company and get the email
  2. I’m trying to retrieve the company and personas name
  3. See attachments
  4. EMAIL_FIND_TERMINATED_WITH_NO_SUCCESS. I think its not getting the information because when I do a manual search with getemail I do get an email.

Based on the information provided, it seems you are looking to automate the process of finding emails given a company name using Pipedream. However, you’re encountering an issue where the automation is not successful, indicated by the EMAIL_FIND_TERMINATED_WITH_NO_SUCCESS message. To assist you further, I need to understand how you’re currently attempting to find emails. Are you using a specific Email API or service within Pipedream to find these emails? If so, could you provide more details on the steps you’ve set up in your workflow? This information will help me provide a more accurate solution. If you’re using a third-party service or API for email finding that integrates with Pipedream, please ensure that you’ve correctly configured the API keys or authentication tokens, and that the service is capable of returning the expected results when called from Pipedream. If you’re not using a specific service and are looking for guidance on how to set this up in Pipedream, you might need to use an external API that provides email finding functionality. You would then set up a workflow in Pipedream that triggers on your specified event, uses the external API to find the email based on the company and persona name, and handles the response. Since you mentioned “getemail,” if this refers to an external service or API you’re using to find emails, please confirm if it’s integrated with Pipedream or if you’re calling it using HTTP requests within a Pipedream workflow. If you need further assistance or have additional details to share, please let me know! If you’re looking for more immediate support, you can also visit Pipedream’s support page.

getemail is integrated with Pipedream. Im currently ussing smartsheet as the trigger. The error happends because I cant get the flow to actually read the data Im trying to give it so it can find the email

Based on your description, it seems like you’re encountering an issue with using Smartsheet as a trigger and then trying to process data to find an email within your Pipedream workflow. To assist you further, I need some additional information: 1. Could you please describe the specific trigger you are using from Smartsheet? For example, is it a new row, updated row, or another event? 2. What kind of data are you trying to read from Smartsheet, and in which part of the row is the email located? 3. Could you share the part of your workflow or the code where you’re trying to extract the email address? 4. What is the exact error message you’re receiving? This information will help me understand the context better and provide you with a more accurate solution. If you’re comfortable sharing a snippet of your workflow code (especially the part where you’re trying to read the data), that would be very helpful.

  1. updated row
  2. I don’t give the email, I only give the company name and client’s name. Company name is in column 1 and clients name in column 5
  3. I don’t understand.
  4. steps.getemails_find_email.$return_value.code

Based on the information provided, it seems you are looking to trigger a workflow when a row is updated in a database or spreadsheet, and you want to use the company name and client’s name from specific columns to perform an action, such as sending an email. However, the reference to steps.getemails_find_email.$return_value.code is unclear without additional context. To assist you further, I need to understand the following: - What service or application are you using for the database or spreadsheet where the row is being updated? - Do you want to send an email when a row is updated? If so, what information do you want to include in the email, and do you have an email service already set up in your Pipedream workflow? - Could you please clarify the reference to steps.getemails_find_email.$return_value.code? Is this a step in your Pipedream workflow, and if so, what is it supposed to achieve? Once I have this information, I can provide more detailed assistance or code examples to help you achieve your goal.

can I talk to a human?

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