How do I whitelist Pipedream's IP addresses when connecting to MongoDB?

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Luke : Does anyone have experience connecting to Mongo? I’m using the example linked below. My connection works, but after whitelisting all of pipedream’s IP addresses, I’m still getting a failed connection to Mongo.

I know it’s an IP error, as if I allow access from anywhere on Mongo, the request goes through.

Dylan Sather (Pipedream) : IP addresses listed in docs are tied to servers that send outbound $send.http() requests, and unfortunately will not work for arbitrary traffic sent from a workflow.

We’re tracking support for static outbound IPs for workflow traffic here. In the meantime, are you familiar with operating an ssh tunnel / bastion host? You can route your Mongo query through an ssh server in that manner, whitelisting the IP of your server from Mongo (see this Postgres example).