How do I add a new OAuth integration to Pipedream?

Tod Sacerdoti : loyalitylion requires app approval so i submitted the request

Mike Bukhin : Ok cool. In the near term, can you recommend something to generate the token once? I assume it doesn’t expire once I do it

Mike Bukhin : oh duh you can use token:secret

Mike Bukhin : but it’s a basic auth

Tod Sacerdoti : We could setup the app for basic auth but I think we should get a response shortly. I just pinged them again.

Mike Bukhin : thank you!!

Mike Bukhin : I am messing with the airtable connector, is there a delay? not seeing new or modified records fire events

Mike Bukhin :

Dylan Sather (Pipedream) : Would you mind clicking the Share button in the top-right of your workflow, and share it with

Mike Bukhin : forget it

Mike Bukhin : it just showed up

Mike Bukhin : im the worst

Mike Bukhin : must be delayed.

Dylan Sather (Pipedream) : yeah no worries, the Airtable triggers aren’t instant (Airtable’s API doesn’t support webhooks, so we have to poll for new records on a schedule). If you edit the configuration of the trigger (see the edit code / configuration link), you can modify this polling schedule. Each time the trigger runs, it counts an invocation, so you can balance the number of invocations you’d like to run (given your daily quota) vs. the update frequency you’d like to achieve.

Dylan Sather (Pipedream) : faster polling = more invocations

Mike Bukhin : yeah i just assume it’s user error

Mike Bukhin : I am dealing with a warehouse API that only supports SOAP. you have any examples of people posting that?

Dylan Sather (Pipedream) : I don’t, but I’d recommend taking a look at some of the npm packages that support SOAP, e.g. if you need to parse the incoming XML, you can use

Mike Bukhin : yup yup

Mike Bukhin : friggin soap