How Can I Resolve Access Issues Between My PipeDream and Jobber Accounts?

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Hi, I’m having difficulty accessing my Jobber account through my PipeDream account. I attempted to connect the Jobber App, but it appears that it hasn’t been approved. I’m unsure whether the issue lies with PipeDream or Jobber. Could you assist me in investigating this matter? Thank you.

Just got an update from Jobber team:

At this point we would need someone from PipeDream to reach out to the team here about going through the app approval process and opening up more connections.
They suggest checking out the Jobber’s Developer Center, where you submit your app for the approval process. Could you please take a closer look?


We are considering becoming a paying customer to utilize PipeDream for automating various tasks within our team.

However, before proceeding, I need assurance that I can seamlessly integrate it with Jobber, as this is a critical component for our business.

Could someone from the PipeDream team provide more detailed information on this?

Thank you in advance.

Hi Jakub, we’re currently in the process of going through app verification with Jobber. I will provide an ETA once we scope the work required to fulfill their requirements to be listed on their app marketplace.

Thank you so much Michael, I really appreciate it.

Have there been any updates or advancements on this matter?

Hi , there’s some engineering work on our side required to move this forward to fulfill some of their requirements.

I wanted to check in with you to see if an alternative setup might work for your use case. Another way that we could set this up without going through the full Jobber marketplace app approval process could be if we create a separate app, e.g. “Jobber Developer App”

And you would create an app on the Jobber side and use the Pipedream-provided redirect (we have this setup in place for apps such as Gmail, Twitter, etc. for higher levels of customization), we handle the auth, you get to specify exactly what scopes that you need. Only 5 users are able to utilize the app that you would configure though - would that work for your use case?

We can certainly give it a shot as an alternative solution. That sounds good to me.

Let me work on setting something like this up - will ping you when ready.

Wonderful, thanks a lot.

Do you have a developer account on Jobber to get started?

Yes, I do.

Okay awesome. getting things set up on my end

, can you look for the Jobber (Developer App) (e.g. Jobber (Developer App) API Integrations - Pipedream), follow the instructions, and let me know if you’re able to connect successfully?

I’m making a progress, it seems like the workaround is effective. It’s exactly what I needed. Now, I can successfully retrieve all the data from Jobber using GraphQL. Thank you so much for your help and assistance, you’re the best :muscle:

Sorry for the delay here Jakub - the process with Jobber had a bit more back and forth as there are some requirements that require custom work on our side. I’m happy to hear you’re unblocked now!

Perhaps just one final question. Could you please explain managing the refresh process for access tokens with this workaround solution? Is it still automatically handled by PipeDream?

Yes, refresh tokens will be automatically handled by Pipedream.

I’m asking because at the moment with this Jobber Dev Account it keeps disconnecting, and I find myself having to manually reconnect each time, which involves re-entering my Client ID and Client Secret, is there something what I can do better?