How Can I Discard a Draft Edit to a Workflow Without Having to Revert to the Deployed Version?

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I have what may be a silly question: how can I “discard” a draft edit to a workflow? It seems my only choice is to change it back to the deployed version, or edit the most recently deployed version and re-deploy that. Is there a simpler “nevermind” button I just am not finding?

Sorry, I know that’s annoying, but at this time no that message just persists until your next deploy.

This problem is solved elegantly with Github Sync, where the changes are committed to a branch and you can discard the branch if needed.

But workflows not backed by Github have this “dirty” state issue.

OK. Is the safest “no I don’t really want to make a change” to edit from the most recently deployed state, and then without changing anything deploy that?

Yup exactly

ok, cool

That’ll deploy the exact state from that event’s executino

But I would definitely recommend double checking me on that