How can I customize messages sent from Pipedream to Slack to avoid duplication?

This topic was automatically generated from Slack. You can find the original thread here.

i am getting sent via pipedream for every message that i am sending from pipedream to slack how can customize it

i am getting sent via pipedream for every message that i am sending from pipedream to slack how can customize it

Mario must still be sleeping. You can set the “include link to URL” prop to false in the Slack action that’s sending the message.

can i customise it ,like how it is customised for mario

I’m fixing Mario now.

Avleen, the message is added via blocks, check out the Slack Block Kit protype builder to learn how to make rich Slack messages:

Pipedream Slack components can accept a blocks argument to send blocks instead of raw text.

To customize the messages you’re sending from Pipedream to Slack, you can use the “Send a Custom Message” action in your Pipedream workflow. Here’s how to use it: 1. Search for the Slack app from the step menu. 2. Select the “Send a Custom Message” action. 3. Connect your Slack account. 4. Select a Channel or pass a string from a previous step. 5. Select a Text or pass a string from a previous step. 6. At the bottom of the step, click “Test” to run the action and test the configuration. For more details, you can visit the documentation at If you need further customization or have specific requirements, please provide more information about what you’d like to achieve, and I’ll be happy to help.