Help with parsing HTTP post /webhook from Slack App

I am building a slack app that allows me to click buttons in a slack message, it will then send out HTTP Post requests to a url i have defined. Its currently setup with a pipedream webhook endpoint, but the package i receive from slack isnt correctly formatted, so essentially it is useless. What is the best way for me to parse out this body.payload below


{“type”:“block_actions”,“user”:{“id”:“U03FQTQLBE3”,“username”:“nate”,“name”:“nate”,“team_id”:“T03FQTJFM9D”},“api_app_id”:“A03LL77V3Q9”,“token”:“Bb01yDURztbH8M0cyQxwMILk”,“container”:{“type”:“message”,“message_ts”:“1655532250.286529”,“channel_id”:“D03GJ4PE3C1”,“is_ephemeral”:false},“trigger_id”:“3687547982195.3534936531319.4c2ed1d3fcadcf066b96cb796ff5b82d”,“team”:{“id”:“T03FQTJFM9D”,“domain”:“lucid-media-group”},“enterprise”:null,“is_enterprise_install”:false,“channel”:{“id”:“D03GJ4PE3C1”,“name”:“directmessage”},“message”:{“type”:“message”,“subtype”:“bot_message”,“text”:“This content can’t be displayed.”,“ts”:“1655532250.286529”,“bot_id”:“B03L4KJ4EP7”,“blocks”:[{“type”:“section”,“block_id”:“q22”,“text”:{“type”:“mrkdwn”,“text”:“Hello Nate, Adelita Professional Cleaning has viewed the demo site 5 times with no action. \n\n Please Note The Following:”,“verbatim”:false}},{“type”:“divider”,“block_id”:“rRu”},{“type”:“section”,“block_id”:“C1Ay”,“text”:{“type”:“mrkdwn”,“text”:“This is a section block with a button.”,“verbatim”:false},“accessory”:{“type”:“button”,“action_id”:“button-action”,“text”:{“type”:“plain_text”,“text”:“Send Follow Up”,“emoji”:true},“value”:“adelita-professional-cleaning12”}}]},“state”:{“values”:{}},“response_url”:“Slack API | Slack Follow Up”,“emoji”:true},“value”:“adelita-professional-cleaning12”,“type”:“button”,“action_ts”:“1655532848.749297”}]}

I would like to clean this up and then send a clean json structured webhook post from pipedream to my airtable base.
If I’m not using the proper terminology then please forgive me.

Hi @nmcwhortersdsu

First off, welcome to the Pipedream community. Happy to have you!

Could you tell us more about your Slack bot setup? Just trying to reproduce the issue - are you sending this interactive block kit message as an HTTP request using the Slack API, then defining your Pipedream workflow’s HTTP endpoint as the callback in your Slack bot settings?

Or are you using the Slack Bolt framework to listen and send block kit messages?