Help i want the discord message trigger to ignore bots

this is the api code i want it to ignore messages from bot accounts

const discord = require("…/…/")

module.exports = {

key: “discord-new-message”,

name: ‘New Message’,

description: “Emit an event for each message posted to one or more channels in a Discord server”,

version: ‘0.0.2’,

dedupe: “unique”,

props: {


channels: {

  type: "$[]",

  appProp: "discord",

  label: "Channels",

  description: "Select the channel(s) you'd like to be notified for",


discordApphook: {

  type: "$.interface.apphook",

  appProp: "discord",

  async eventNames() {

    return this.channels || []



ignoreMyself: {

  type: "boolean",

  label: "Ignore myself",

  description: "Ignore messages from me",

  default: true,



async run(event) {

if (event.guildID != this.discord.$auth.guild_id) {



if (this.ignoreMyself && event.authorID == this.discord.$auth.oauth_uid) {



this.$emit(event, { id: })



@yossibroderspam I shipped a change to the Discord integration that should expose a bot flag under event.author_metadata:

You should be able to use that in your event source or any linked workflows to exit early if the message comes from a bot.