Has Anyone Successfully Managed to Run It?

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Anyone managed to run it correctly ? thank you :slightly_smiling_face:

Hey , it seems like the library you are using tried to find a directory, but it is not available in Pipedream run time. In Pipedream, only the tmp directory is writable, please consult the doc here for more detail https://pipedream.com/docs/code/python/working-with-files

Hello that’s the issue :slightly_smiling_face: it’s not need any directory. And when I try it in any other Python environnement it works juste fine

The directory is needed when working with duckdb in memory database, but here I am using MotherDuck

, for Pipedream (which uses AWS Lambda), you need to specify /tmp dir as your working directory. Please consult your library API documentation on how to pass a custom path to your library.

I already tried passing /tmp path as a custom directory. Unfortunately it does not work ! But my code works in classic lambda function

I already tried passing /tmp path as a custom directory
May I ask for your code in this case?

sure, I tried many things:

import os
import duckdb

def handler(pd: "pipedream"):
    # Set your MotherDuck token as an environment variable (replace 'your_token' with your actual token)
    motherduck_token = os.environ['motherduck_token']
        # Set the directory to /tmp
        home_directory = '/tmp'

        # Connect to MotherDuck using the service token
        con = duckdb.connect(f'md:?motherduck_token={motherduck_token}')

        # Set the home directory using the SET command
        con.execute(f"SET home_directory='{home_directory}'")

        # Specify the COPY command
        copy_command = """
        COPY loaddata.Temp_Days_fr
        FROM 's3://my_bucket/tempo_days/*.csv' 
        WITH (
            DELIMITER ',',
            FORMAT CSV,

        # Execute the COPY command

        print("Data loaded successfully!")
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"An error occurred: {e}")

Set the home directory using the SET command

    con.execute(f”SET home_directory=’{home_directory}’“)

I believe dynamically setting environment variable like this wouldn’t work. You’ll need to set Environment Variable in your workspace or project setting: Environment Variables - Pipedream

I tried this as well

import os
import duckdb

def handler(pd: "pipedream"):
    motherduck_token = os.environ['motherduck_token']
        home_directory = '/tmp'

        con = duckdb.connect(f'md:?motherduck_token={motherduck_token}&home_directory={home_directory}')

        # Specify the COPY command
        copy_command = """
        COPY loaddata.Temp_Days_fr
        FROM 's3://my_bucket/tempo_days/*.csv' 
        WITH (
            DELIMITER ',',
            FORMAT CSV,


        print("Data loaded successfully!")
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"An error occurred: {e}")

you mean to do it like this:

home_directory = os.environ[‘HOME’] ?

You’ll need to set Environment Variable in your workspace or project setting. Here’s how: Environment Variables - Pipedream

ok I will try it now

I don’ know if this what you meant:

import os
import duckdb

def handler(pd: "pipedream"):
    motherduck_token = os.environ['motherduck_token']
        home_directory = os.environ['home_directory'] 

                # Connect to MotherDuck using the service token
        con = duckdb.connect(f'md:?motherduck_token={motherduck_token}')

        # Set the home directory using the SET command
        con.execute(f"SET home_directory='{home_directory}'")

        # Specify the COPY command
        copy_command = """
        COPY loaddata.Temp_Days_fr
        FROM 's3://my_bucket/tempo_days/*.csv' 
        WITH (
            DELIMITER ',',
            FORMAT CSV,


        print("Data loaded successfully!")
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"An error occurred: {e}")

but here still receiving the same error. home_directory is an env variable in my project

Here’s what I tried:

  1. Set environment variable in my project (1st image)
  2. Refer it in the python code, in this case I printed it out (2nd image)

I tried google colab to double check and the requests work fine

Then I believe this is specific error to your library.

As you can see the environment has been set successfully on Pipedream.

I would encourage you to take a look at motherduck or duckdb lib that you’re using on how to pass custom directory (maybe without using environment variable)