Has Anyone Successfully Built a Workflow to Download YouTube Videos Using Python Library 'pytube'?

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Any one has experience building a workflow downloading youtube video? i have been trying to use python lib ‘pytube’, but got error. searched around on google and slack. did not find any solution sofar. this thread had some discussion but no resolution as well. Slack

here is the error i got using pytube:

get_throttling_function_name: could not find match for multiple

i checked the pytube version which is the latest one 15.0. so this might not be the issue(python - Pytube Error: get_throttling_function_name: could not find match for multiple - Stack Overflow)

i also tried run the pytube on my machine with command line, got the same error in terminal. so it might be the lib’s issue?

some people state that modifiy file in pytube could solve the problem. but i dont know if we could do it using pytube as a module…

Any help would be appreciate. my task is to download youtube video from internet and extract audio from it.

how do i use downgrade python library?

To downgrade a Python library, you can use the pip command with a specific version number. For example, if you want to downgrade the pytube library to version 10.0.0, you can run the following command in your terminal: pip install pytube==10.0.0 This will uninstall the current version of pytube and install version 10.0.0. However, please note that downgrading a library might not always solve the issue and could introduce compatibility issues with your code or other libraries. In the case of using pytube within a Pipedream workflow, you would need to use the Python code step and import the specific version of the library you want to use. Unfortunately, Pipedream currently supports only Node.js code steps, so using Python libraries like pytube directly within Pipedream is not possible.

how do i use downgrade npm library?

To downgrade an npm library, you can use the npm install command with a specific version number. For example, if you want to downgrade the axios library to version 0.19.2, you can run the following command in your terminal: bash npm install axios@0.19.2 This will uninstall the current version of axios and install version 0.19.2. However, please note that downgrading a library might not always solve the issue and could introduce compatibility issues with your code or other libraries. In the case of using a specific version of an npm package within a Pipedream workflow, you can specify the version in the import statement. For example, to use axios version 0.19.2 in a Pipedream code step, you would write: ```
import axios from “axios@0.19.2”;

in nodeJS step, ‘pd is not defined’

It looks like you’re trying to use the pd variable in a Node.js code step. However, pd is only available in Python code steps. In Node.js code steps, you should use the steps and $ variables within the run method of a Pipedream component. Here’s an example: export default defineComponent({ async run({ steps, $ }) { // Your Node.js code goes here }, }); You can access data from previous steps using the steps variable, and use the $ variable for various Pipedream-specific functions.

how do i use nodeJS to download youtube video to path ‘/tmp/’

To download a YouTube video to the /tmp/ directory using Node.js in a Pipedream workflow, you can use the ytdl-core library. However, please note that downloading YouTube videos may violate YouTube’s terms of service, so proceed with caution and ensure you have the necessary permissions. First, import the ytdl-core library in your Node.js code step: import ytdl from "ytdl-core"; import fs from "fs"; Then, use the following code to download the video and save it to the /tmp/ directory: export default defineComponent({ props: { videoUrl: { type: "string", label: "YouTube Video URL", }, }, async run({ steps, $ }) { const videoId = ytdl.getURLVideoID(this.videoUrl); const videoPath = `/tmp/${videoId}.mp4`; const videoStream = ytdl(this.videoUrl, { quality: "highestvideo" }); const writeStream = fs.createWriteStream(videoPath); await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { videoStream.pipe(writeStream); videoStream.on("error", reject); writeStream.on("finish", resolve); }); return { videoPath }; }, }); Replace this.videoUrl with the URL of the YouTube video you want to download. This code will download the video with the highest quality available and save it to the /tmp/ directory with the video ID as its filename. Please note that this example is for educational purposes only and downloading YouTube videos may violate YouTube’s terms of service.

how do i get youtube video url data from last step to current nodejs step

To access the YouTube video URL data from the last step in your current Node.js step, you can use the steps variable. Assuming the previous step is named previousStep, you can access the URL data like this: export default defineComponent({ async run({ steps, $ }) { const videoUrl = steps.previousStep.outputs.videoUrl; // Your code using the videoUrl goes here }, }); Make sure to replace previousStep with the actual name of the step that contains the YouTube video URL data.

how do i use nodeJS to download youtube video to path ‘/tmp/’, the following is the video link


To download a YouTube video to the /tmp/ directory using Node.js in a Pipedream workflow, you can use the ytdl-core library. However, please note that downloading YouTube videos may violate YouTube’s terms of service, so proceed with caution and ensure you have the necessary permissions. First, import the ytdl-core library in your Node.js code step: import ytdl from "ytdl-core"; import fs from "fs"; Then, use the following code to download the video and save it to the /tmp/ directory: export default defineComponent({ async run({ steps, $ }) { const videoUrl = steps.query_database.$return_value.results[0].properties.Link.url; const videoId = ytdl.getURLVideoID(videoUrl); const videoPath = `/tmp/${videoId}.mp4`; const videoStream = ytdl(videoUrl, { quality: "highestvideo" }); const writeStream = fs.createWriteStream(videoPath); await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { videoStream.pipe(writeStream); videoStream.on("error", reject); writeStream.on("finish", resolve); }); return { videoPath }; }, }); This code will download the video with the highest quality available and save it to the /tmp/ directory with the video ID as its filename. Please note that this example is for educational purposes only and downloading YouTube videos may violate YouTube’s terms of service.

Code was still running when the step ended. Make sure to await all Promises, or promisify callback functions. May be a false positive